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It's probably NOT OneDrive , I'm NOT turning that back on at all , I'm very pissed at Microsoft for it being on in the 1st place . I've googled my problem and some other folks have had this problem too , I'll revisit it soon it's not my top priority at the moment , seeing that a reboot fixes it . It's a NEW PC build and I'm having other issues too , example EMI I hear it in my microphones . Probably my T-Mobile 5g gateway , that's new . Since the last time I've done music and and a PC build .


ok. but as an aside, i think OneDrive rocks. never had an issue with it.


I'm glad you like OneDrive . If I had money to throw away every month I'd definitely subscribe to a cloud storage service they are very nice to have. The problem I had is that they had it on without me knowing . Companies like Apple , Microsoft , and Amazon are notorious for tricking you into buying stuff . Like I'm NOT an Amazon Prime subscriber so when I order stuff I have to be really careful that they don't sign me up for Prime . It's happened before.


OneDrive is good for documents, settings, and Photos - nice discreet entities that change periodically.

What I have seen, though, is that files that get written to over and over again (log files, real-time captures, or output of database-like collections) is that they can swamp the replication from local to OneDrive, particularly on log-like files that are "continuously" being updated.

Not sure how wave files are treated by OneDrive. I had found Python (non-music) output files regularly having records written to them were "not a good thing", so made sure I have those in an area that are specifically NOT included in OneDrive replication.
Waveform 12; Win10 desktop/8 Gig; Win8 Laptop 4Gig; MPK261; VFX+disfunctional ESQ-1

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