The Rapid Composer User Guide Tutorial



xpoes wrote: Mon Jan 14, 2019 1:31 am This is really fantastic!
Would it be an idea to split the video into smaller chunks?
That way, if you want to update parts of the contents, you don't have to render and upload the whole video again, and I don't have to download the whole video again :)
Also, it would make it easier for people to navigate through the contents. As an example, if I want to revisit the part on phrases, I just open that video, rather than navigate through the big one..
Just my two cents 8)
But, again, a great video!

yea decided to do that for next video.. thanks, glad you liked it.. Also, by splitting the video I'll be able to put more in each video without the worry of making the whole thing to long as a whole.


it's great to see this, i've been meaning to get my head around RC for some time now. help is very hard to find on it, so thanks to Bluegenes.
i'll be working my way through it methodically this week.
having it cut up into more manageable portions would be great also ( as suggested already)...

forgot to mention , could yuo encode the new vids in a higher quality, all the text appears blurry to me on current one tx


yes, I am aware of that.. I think I have that fixed.. The video editor I am using may not be using the correct codec, so I have to do a conversion, which is right now a hit or miss.. If it becomes necessary, I'll buy a new video editor.. I am to please.. ;)



wow lol news to me.. and wait for ver 2.. hehe thanks man!


After you've watched it, you may want a jump list...

0:0:0 Intro > Relative/absolute chords and notes
0:6:40 Settings > VSTs > Self = crash > Support
0:19:30 Overview > Browser
0:26:0 UI > Structure> Track group
0:50:30 Reprise Master Track
0:52:0 Edit modes > Phrase > Envelopes > Reprise Timeline actions
1:11:0 Rules? Progressions > Chord Entry
1:36:0 Rhythms
1:40:0 Phrases & Tracks
1:49:0 Voicings
1:50:0 DB & Edits > Articulations > Note numbers
2:01:0 CC use and velocity
2:04:0 Note editing
2:06:0 Idea tool


that actually helps me.. hehe thanks.. I started production on the new videos. Expect better quality video and audio and a lot more info..

The current version will stay for a while, but, eventually will be taken down after the new series is up..


Very nice, all those separate videos, great job!

Just checking, there is no video IX, correct?

W10, Reaper, Intel Core i7 9700F (8x Core) @4.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970, 32 GB RAM, FluidAudio SRI-2, Nektar Impact LX61+


xpoes wrote: Tue Jan 29, 2019 11:59 pm Very nice, all those separate videos, great job!

Just checking, there is no video IX, correct?
Not yet.. what is listed is about a little more than half the total videos. Some still need editing, etc. The rest will eventually show up as they are finished..


Added the Note Editing Video, IX..


Can't WAIT to see more, hanging on your every post, BG:)


Sorry for the delay.. had to resolve some technical issues, but, I am back at work on the rest of the videos..
I just added The Daw Setup guide to use your DAW as a play back device..

Video XVII Daw Setup (Yea, will be posting the videos out of order, but, will be listed correctly in the play list..)


Very cool, thanks, BluGenes! :tu:
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You Bet! Just added XIV The Idea Tool to the play list..
Last edited by BluGenes on Thu Feb 14, 2019 10:48 am, edited 1 time in total.


thanks again for taking the time to do all this!

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