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Posted this elsewhere here but figgered I'd plant a post on this thread...

Just finished doing a tune in AXS Tracker been working on-off for 3-4 days...

For those who KNOW AXS-
Great feature sustain notes stay ON block after block until a note-off command is encountered...
Other shit I can't remember....

For those who DON'T know AXS-
Smallest size Tracker that is most capable that can work on modern hardware STILL!
Great analog smooth distortion
No internal stereo separation (but renders a stereo file)
Great sounding multi-timbral internal synth
Simple, Easy & Free
Great for sketching out funky ideas
Loads stereo or mono WAV-AiF

Anyway track name is Pulp Friction... PULP = a mish-mash of tracker sketches. FRICTION = Not everybody gonna like it...

For some around the forum that like to take a giant shit on my work or opinion I have injected a strong verbal suggestion inside the tune. This only seems to be a problem on this forum, Nowhere else...


I am sure just mentioning that will get a few extra 'listens'...

Amazing little tracker really...


This thing still sounds great. I wish someone could port it to VST.


Yes it does...I find the synth sector to be very expressive...

Also to ADD to the ANTI-bloat of AXS is the extreme small size-



But can you open them? Made with Firehand Ember , which isn't available anymore. Still, they are .gifs.


Yeah...They are just regular non-animated GIFs...Open in anything, magic wand the areas to change then fill in with new color save then replace your originals (back them up to a folder)....





Heres a beginning example...Not quite 'there' yet. I did notice the AXS logo in upper right still had version 2.03 so I just made it the 3.0. Takes longer than you think to get everything synced in color...



The problem I had with AXS is I couldn't figure out how to get it to input midi. I could (barely) play it with the computer keyboard. If you could decompile the .dll and add a midi input I bet it could work as a VST. But, I'm just wishing because I don't know anything about coding software.


Well, That's interesting...Yeah the MIDI input is kinda a buggered mess... I got 4 MIDI keyboards & none really work right...Mostly for the sampler sector OR the FIRST preset of the Synth. If I try to use on any other Synth Preset the sound does not change...

So I DON'T use anything but QWERTY with AXS but I have never had a problem with QWERTY in AXS. I can rip up-down the two-octave range never had sticky or missed notes & that's on XP with laptop or QWERTY keyboards plugged in at least 6 different machines also great on ASUS Transformer Netbook with Windows 10 no problem. No problem being a QWERTY virtuoso on any of these...

HOWEVER!...I do notice AXS act funny if you got any OTHER app using driver at same time...Pitching off & random BPMs this happen even using MP3 player at same time but also tuningfork can't use at same time. Make sure you don't have other crap in the BG borrowing audio driver at same time maybe try a different driver in setup...


One thing MIDI Keyboard might be good for some who prefer realtime automation recording as if your KB has alotta knobs or sliders AXS will automap many controls to it. You can then record pattern commands using the hardware knob as long as you got the 'CAPs LOCK' button pushed at same time... You can use this same method with on-screen knobs & sliders too.

I forgot about that 'cause I don't use that method... I just type in the pattern commands manually at the precise locations needed then 'inbetween' any two commands invoke the 'F9' key which fills in interpolation.

Also I don't know how the pitch bend is supposed to work I just engage the pitch envelope for said synth preset on OSC 1 or 2 or both THEN adjust the DECAY & SUSTAIN carefully in the ADSR sliders for the proper range THEN use the pitch gain command to bend up or down which is the 9xx command usually start with '940' which is knob set at middle (64) then go down as far as '900' or up as far as '97F'...


One other thing whilst I'm thinking about it & underwriting this old tracker is that there is no vibrato command. You might think 'pitch gain' would work for that too but pitch gain is for LONGER lengths otherwise it get's 'stair stepper' sounding which might be what you want for certain FX...

No you gotta use the 3xx 'LFO 1 Rate' command piped into the proper OSC1 or OSC2 pitch button-


All old BramBos soft been free forever Tunefish pretty cool but I think the pinnacle was TUAREG 2.5 FAT which is an 'Interactive Phrase Sampler'...Which greatly gives life to the billions of loops everybody has...

Nothing set in stone either as anything can be redone & everything recorded in realtime to anything else. A phrase can be reopened & slight change done then saved as new to seal in freshness...

Last nite I found the recorder plugin so NOW Tuareg classifies as a DAW... Here are some GIFs showing...I have not even covered the two internal synths or much other...

It's much like having a 'Mini-Ableton' without all that warping nonsense. Tuareg cool & now 20 years old which makes it even better...

https://web.archive.org/web/20110815233 ... chive.html






I started off with a Yamaha CX5m music computer, that I picked up when I was in the AF Band, when visiting Japan.
Graduated to Atari ST and Dr. T's KCS.
Yes I'm a dinosaur.
Studio G-fx


Spent some time makin' some skins for AXS...

Most these of a 'High-Contrast' theme...Just replace the 3 GIFs in the directory...

Have included a copy of AXS for back-up...No need to just backup the GIFs when entire frickin' program is SO SMALL!!!...








Do you know, EnergyXT is now 64 bit (beta)?



And the oldies keep coming. I remember both EnergyXT and Taureg. Taureg was too ahead of its time and made my CPU whither. As far as AXS, it's just a simple .dll, can you pull it up in a Compiler and add a midi in code? (I don't know if this is how it works)

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