Will A.I. rule the world?

Anything about MUSIC but doesn't fit into the forums above.
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especially donald trump
ah böwakawa poussé poussé


donald trump is the best
alien invaders AND alien intelligence are nothing to donald trump
ah böwakawa poussé poussé


reelect donald trump for president of the universe
ah böwakawa poussé poussé


ah böwakawa poussé poussé


not in music, I am sure. could AI make an album like " a love supreme?"
artie fichelle sounds natural


Could you people stay on topic? This thread is about Alien Invasion not that overly done vomit of a topic artificial intelligence. I could personally give a rats finger f**k about artificial intelligence. If people want to listen to AI induced songs about shit and dick while watching that karaoke garbage American Idol or The Voice then so be it.
None of it will ever compare to real Rock N Roll because real Rock N Roll needs sex drive. The only drive AI has is a hard drive.


Vote me for president.


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Interesting topic yet few to really fathom it... Alien Invasion?... Ever seen one?... Look at everybody & look in the mirror. Every bit of human DNA came from elsewhere, not indigenous to Earth... The base human is made from 13 DNAs combined which are 12 humanoid & 1 reptilian DNAs... This is why we all got a 'reptilian brain stem' which looks like a croc's brain... Medical texts even call it the 'reptilian brain'... This is also why our skin peels off in layers, like a snake...
If we were indigenous we would automatically be protected from the environment... We would not need heat in winter, nor AC in summer... Also this is why so many plants are poisonous to humans...I could go on>>>
So what about different ethnic strains? I could tell you but many would not like it as way too many are just looking to be offended...

OH, And Yeah... There's the video playlist from thread start cool movie for sure, great soundtrack... Way better than alotta garbage nowadays that has 'agendas' & social engineering infused>>>


eLawnMust wrote: Sun May 19, 2024 7:02 pm
If we were indigenous we would automatically be protected from the environment... We would not need heat in winter, nor AC in summer... Also this is why so many plants are poisonous to humans...I could go on>>>
what about all the plants that arent? did we bring them with us?

are you talking panspermia or annunaki here?


AI personalities will be so convincing well need the autistic to point them out
Amazon: why not use an alternative




the aliens will land, and all the top people from around the world will gather, the hatch will open...

"what the f**k do you lot want? we are here to see the dominant races, step aside apes"



Most plants have been here well before us of course many 'spliced together' since & nature screwed with... Humans only been here 5,000-6,000 years not 'millions' of years no matter what you are told in any school... The carbon-dating is 'rigged' to make things appear way older than what they are... Shoot people don't even know what year it is... In 1265 the reigning monarch (britain) had all clocks moved forward 3 years in honor of his birthday, they never went back... So it ain't 2024, it's 2021...
Back in 2011 Obama went to a sinister castle in britain, signed the guestbook then media eagerly taking alook saw that he had correct day & month but the year he wrote was 2008, which was the correct year... Of course they were baffled thinking he was stoned, nope... Those at the top know a helluva lot the populace does NOT know... Trust me I don't want your money nor affirmation nor fame>>>


Errr..requires citations? :lol:


eLawnMust wrote: Sun May 19, 2024 7:02 pm Alien Invasion?... Ever seen one?...
Of course! Saw all of them. Aliens and Promertheus are my favorites.
Every bit of human DNA came from elsewhere, not indigenous to Earth...
DNA is a hoax for the justice industry to arrest folks without cause. Amongst other things of course.
The base human is made from 13 DNAs combined which are 12 humanoid & 1 reptilian DNAs...
So reptiles aren't indigenous to Earth?
This is why we all got a 'reptilian brain stem' which looks like a croc's brain... Medical texts even call it the 'reptilian brain'... This is also why our skin peels off in layers, like a snake...
Felines contain reptilian genes (hence why they hiss, eat rodents, and can have intricate patterns on their fur like snake scales) and their skin doesn't shed or peel. Also, certain spiders shed their skin.

If we were indigenous we would automatically be protected from the environment... We would not need heat in winter, nor AC in summer...
Tribes people and native americans had/have no issues living with the environment. As a matter of fact, modern day Hopi Indians of Arizona know how to bring rain clouds when in need. Coincidentally they use venemous serpents for this (not a joke).
Also this is why so many plants are poisonous to humans...
Lots of things are venemous to other non human beings. Reptiles, spiders, fish and even butterflies of specific types carry venom that kill a variety of species. Speaking of the Hopi, they put venemous snakes in their mouths and have no deadly effects if bitten.
Consider that it's diet affecting our body's full potential to protect itself.
So what about different ethnic strains? I could tell you but many would not like it as way too many are just looking to be offended...
Did you know that the blonde haired blue eyed humanoid was originally AI created by a dark colored race that lives under the ocean? The most that can be viewed of this vast underground civilization is in Giza. The pyramids etc are actually the top portion of a partial of this underwater city where these dark giant humans that existed since the Dynastic period of Egypt come to deal with surface leaders.
Anyhow, they designed the blonde blue eyed human to do their bidding on the surface.
Eventually design procedures got more advanced and these AI were able to self reproduce.
This is why all this AI nonsense coming out now doesn't phase me. The tech has been around and has been utilized since the dawn of modern man.
How else do people think a concept like a civilized society can exist?
You think a round table with 13 men designed it? Please.
If lucky, modern man lives for 70 to 80 years. It takes way more time than that to conceptualize and implement an idea like Society. And it sure as hell requires.more intelligence than an Einstein.

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