Looped and cut Looped

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This is a new piece called "Victoria's". I hope you like it. Let me know. I use the input. Thanks again.
Wayne Dupuis
Recording in Victoria,BC,Canada


Your sound treatment is getting better and better and the choise of sounds together is pretty good. But I can't help feeling this to be too loopy a song, the shifts are a bit sudden and arrangement-wise it feels like a rather bumpy ride I guess. Especially the first minute and a half. I guess keeping certain events through time might smoothen it out more.


Hey it's you again. Thanks. Yeah I get a bit carried away when a piece comes together in a few hours. I understand what you mean by too loopy as well. I tend to let the songs develop as they go along, then crop and chop. I am trying to write more simply, and every once in a while, when a song drives itself, I tend to let it go. I am being way more conformant on this next tune that I'm working on. Thanks again for the listen.
Wayne Dupuis
Recording in Victoria,BC,Canada

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