New Automatic Bundle Upgrades!

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Due to popular demand, we've now implemented automatic bundle upgrades on the Orange Tree Samples website!

Provided that you're logged in your account, the price of bundles will automatically be reduced based on what percentage of the bundle you already own. That way you can easily upgrade to the full bundle if you already own one or more libraries in it, or continually upgrade your bundle as new libraries are added.

Check out all the available bundles here
Greg Schlaepfer
Orange Tree Samples
Ultra-realistic sample libraries for Kontakt


I see that this has already been incorporated into my group buy order (which I haven't paid for yet). I didn't even have to ask about it. Thanks!


Yup--we're still working on the labeling of the bundles to indicate that the price you see is lower because it's an upgrade. Just so people don't freak out and think the much-reduced price is an error with the website. ;)

Once it's added to your cart, the item name does indicate that it's an upgrade, though.
Greg Schlaepfer
Orange Tree Samples
Ultra-realistic sample libraries for Kontakt


Hi - a bit puzzled here...

I downloaded all the updated engines that were marked as being updated but after comparing the content of the files only the following were updates
- EvolutionHollowbodyBlues-Engine.rar
- EvolutionMandolin-Engine.rar
- EvolutionSitardelic-Engine.rar
- EvolutionStratosphere-Engine.rar

the rest were the same (bit level equality) as what I already had.
- EvolutionDracus-Engine.rar
- EvolutionFlatpick6-Engine.rar
- EvolutionJazzArchtop-Engine.rar
- EvolutionModernNylon-Engine.rar
- EvolutionRick12-Engine.rar
- EvolutionSteelStrings-Engine.rar
- EvolutionStrawberry-Engine.rar

JazzArchtop was purchased during the last group buy.
(as well as HollowbodyBlues, JazzArchtop, Mandolin, Sitardelic)
but the most (if not all) of the rest were installed from last year's group buy - so I am confused to why all of the non-modified libs were marked as updated when only 4 actually were.

ImageCakewalk/Sonar Plugin Management Tools


All those libraries were updated, as indicated by the "update available" label (and I just downloaded them right now to double-check). Do your file sizes for the engine files match (to the byte) what's listed on the download page?
Greg Schlaepfer
Orange Tree Samples
Ultra-realistic sample libraries for Kontakt


Hi, I just redownloaded the engine files - all the downloads are updated and match the files sizes shown on the web pages.

Probably was either a browser or server caching issue.
Sent you a PM which it looks like you've already picked up.

ImageCakewalk/Sonar Plugin Management Tools


Yup, just responded right now. Thanks!
Greg Schlaepfer
Orange Tree Samples
Ultra-realistic sample libraries for Kontakt

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