slicing (knife tool) arrangement midi clips - baffled here!

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Hi, newish user here.
I am triggering a step sequencer, and i need to quickly chop and transpose long midi notes in the arrangement view. They need to trigger without fail, by creating a new note where i slice the clip.

When I slice a midi clip (in two) in the arrangement, long notes remain un sliced (?)

Consolidate doesn't do anything!? All that happens is the clip LOOKS like its sliced/consolidated until you go into the midi note editor, and see that it isn't.

When I look at the track view in the midi editor, after slicing a clip, newly sliced notes in their clips are faded and do not trigger.

The newly sliced clip will only trigger if i have it selected.

I kinda expect a new note to be created at the same size of the clip upon slice/consolidation.


What do I need to do to get the simple behaviour of slicing the note with the clip?



Double click to open the clip in the editor. Click in the clip to set the selection point and then use Cmd-E (Mac) to cut the notes.


wafa wrote: Mon May 20, 2024 12:07 pm Hi, newish user here.
I am triggering a step sequencer, and i need to quickly chop and transpose long midi notes in the arrangement view. They need to trigger without fail, by creating a new note where i slice the clip.

When I slice a midi clip (in two) in the arrangement, long notes remain un sliced (?)

Consolidate doesn't do anything!? All that happens is the clip LOOKS like its sliced/consolidated until you go into the midi note editor, and see that it isn't.

When I look at the track view in the midi editor, after slicing a clip, newly sliced notes in their clips are faded and do not trigger.

The newly sliced clip will only trigger if i have it selected.

I kinda expect a new note to be created at the same size of the clip upon slice/consolidation.


What do I need to do to get the simple behaviour of slicing the note with the clip?

I would like if Bitwig had the following option within its Settings:
- Slice notes when slicing clips in the arranger ON /OFF
But this would be a feature request to ask Bitwig for, as this option doesn't exist.

So you have to do what pdxindy said, which is entering the clip, and then cutting the notes.

There are also other things which one would intuitively expect from the knife tool, but don't work. One of them is: When several clips (or notes) are selected, and you use the knife tool on one of them - you would expect to slice through all of the selected clips (or notes). But no, only the clicked-upon item gets sliced. That's another thing where Bitwig could improve. If you have any such suggestions/wishes for Bitwig, feel free to tell them at "support at bitwig dot com". :)
I built a Looper for Bitwig! :)


Thanks for the help guys.

So I split a clip, and then have to navigate to the editor, swipe the region manually, and then perform the split. LOL.
And simply splitting the clip does nothing except provide a visual cue that the clip is split, without splitting anything inside the clip.
Incredible. How and why..... :clap:


It's intentionally non-destructive, which is very useful when splitting up song sections to transfer them to the clip launcher as scenes.

So – it's a feature, not a bug – but I can see how depending on the use case, destructive editing can be more desirable. Definitely let Bitwig know if this is important to you.


Ah right. Nightmare for what I need to do. But I'll have to get used to using the midi track editor, I guess.

By way of thanks, If anyone's interested, i just chat gpt'd myself an autohotkey2 script that will split at the mouse cursor with "e", and scroll midi notes up and down with shift + scroll ( you'll have to assign "transpose up/down 1 semitone" to the arrow keys, or modify the script to your keys).

My main DAW is Reaper so I naturally couldn't help attempting customization.
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Dionysos wrote: Mon May 20, 2024 6:20 pm It's intentionally non-destructive, which is very useful when splitting up song sections to transfer them to the clip launcher as scenes.

So – it's a feature, not a bug – but I can see how depending on the use case, destructive editing can be more desirable. Definitely let Bitwig know if this is important to you.
I’m very thankful that it works this way,I can freely chop and loop and do whatever to clips and not have to worry about losing something if I don’t mean to

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