MIDI Controller-Synthesizer

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Hello, connection between MIDI controller and Synthesizer. I know I can connect a controller, in my case Launchkey MK3 with a synthesizer, in my case Hardware Minifreak via a 5-pin MIDI cable. Does this connection have the same characteristics as the connection through the Interface/DAW? In other words, does it allow me to do the same things with the sinth? Thank you.


Define same.
Dell Vostro i9 64GB Ram Windows 11 Pro, Cubase, Bitwig, Mixcraft Guitar Pod Go, Linntrument Nektar P1, Novation Launchpad


tapper mike wrote: Wed May 22, 2024 10:14 pm Define same.
According to Oxford:
the same (as…) having the same number, colour, size, quality, etc.

I mean, how can I map synth parameters on the controller, connecting them in a direct way?


MIDI retains exactly the same characteristics(messages) inside a computer as over a cable,
however, over a cable there is a light bridge(UART) that stops noise
I think that systems buffer MIDI so everything gets sent,
but the transmission speed is less over a cable than from a DAW to a plugin.
The data rate is less fast over a cable, than DAW to plugin

imo- u will find that it works fine, as old as MIDI standard is(and retains exactly the same messages)


if you are talking about controlling the synth with the midi controller, check the hardware manual to see which CC msgs are sent/received by the synth. then set up your midi controller to send the correct CC msgs for the ones you are interested in controlling.


I love these threads.

In an idealized world midi has a speed limit of 1 millisecond. If you are transferring via a midi connector from a strict midi master to a strict midi reciever it should take no more than 1 milisecond. How the synth processes that signal even in an analog world is much do to the amount of processing and wiring. In a dream world that transfer after the point of contact to the point of the speaker can be at the speed of light. How long it takes to reach your ear from the speaker has to do with the distrance travelled to your ears. The speed of sound is slower than the speed of light.

Some midi controllers add functionality that may slow the speed of transmission over midi. My Linnstrument has a speed limit of 4 milliseconds. I don't recognize the difference. I've had hardware synths, romplers that I used headphones with that the transfer from point of contact to point of listening was so fast it was faster than the physical sound of tapping on my table.

If you have a relatively fast computer (pc or mac) that's been build in the last 15 years and you don't overwhelm it with extremist processing you should expect a reasonable time response.

When I asked about same well that's up to your system the daw and the desired plugin. I've had an original Korg M1 workstation synth and I have the plugin now. Pretty close not perfect, in some cases better. I've had emu rack mounts keyboards and command stations. The plugin rompler version doesn't come close and it always crashed on me.

CC's on a computer are great because of midi learn. It saves a lot of time digging through manuals and assigning via the controller as opposed to the daw/plugin. However some hardware keyboards won't send data or they only send select data making them useless as a midi controller (Korg Krome)
Dell Vostro i9 64GB Ram Windows 11 Pro, Cubase, Bitwig, Mixcraft Guitar Pod Go, Linntrument Nektar P1, Novation Launchpad

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