Patchwork - Built In Level Utility - Possible Incorrect Behavior

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Perhaps I'm misunderstanding how Level is supposed to affect the signal, but in my attempt to use it like a mix knob the level changes I experience are not what I expect them to be. The example being ...

Using the same signal in parallel -- Parallel_1, Parallel_2

Parallel_1 with level at 100%, Parallel_2 at 0% = same as input signal
Parallel_1 at 0%, Parallel_2 at 100% = same as input signal
Parallel_1 at 50%, Parallel_2 at 50% = 6dB quieter than input signal

This 6 dB difference is maintained when using both the sum and average settings for the parallel chains.

Is this the expected behavior for the Level Utility?

I'm on v2.6.6 (but will update to 2.6.7 after this post to double check), AAX, Mojave 10.14.6

Thanks so much for this invaluable tool and for your time!
Best, -Stephan


Quick follow up -- the same behavior exists in v2.6.7 as well.


Level is indeed not linear, just like the ear. It is not a decibel law but closer to it than a linear pot (which does not exist in the audio world except for some "mix" knobs). Maybe we can add another plug-in in the future that just does linear gain.


Appreciate the info!

If you were to add such a tool that would be greatly appreciated! I get a heck of a lot done with Patchwork + Connector already, but if I was able to use a balance control like that, particularly in the parallel chains section, it would be open up some wonderful possibilities.

Thank you again for these tools. They help me work faster, with better end results, and just interact with my gear the way that I always hope to.

Follow up praise -- I've been using Remote Control as a preset maker for my Chase Bliss Mood mkii pedal with the intention of using to automate parameters as well and the process has been a breeze!


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