
Soundiron releases Iron Pack 13 - Cyborg Bytes - Futuristically Fun Electro-Percussion for Kontakt

13th September 2023

Soundiron has announced the release of their Iron Pack 13- Cyborg Bytes, a collection of 10 "futuristically fun" electro-percussive kits and ambient drones built for the full version of Kontakt.

Soundiron Says:

The Iron Pack series is a line of compact, affordable, and great-sounding virtual instrument libraries for Kontakt. Iron packs are handcrafted musical color palettes, designed to inspire your next original track or sound design session. These byte-sized products give you a taste of our sound and style with a fully playable, lightweight and powerful sample set. Each sample made by our own Nathan Boler was designed to give you an inspirational launchpad for your next track.

Product Specs:

Intro Price: $5 until September 26th, 2023 (Reg. $9) at soundiron.com


KVR Audio, Inc.