
Source Audio releases ZIO Analog Bass Preamp + DI

9th January 2024

Source Audio has released the ZIO Analog Bass Preamp + DI.

The Bass ZIO is an ultra-low noise, all-analog tone shaping tool voiced specifically for bass. This compact yet powerful pedal is a collaboration between Source Audio's lead engineer, Jesse Remignanti and Christopher Venter of SHOE Pedals (creator of the DOD Looking Glass and the SHOE Savior Machine). It utilizes high-quality Burr-Brown Op-Amps which provide maximum headroom and a simple yet powerful set of equalization, gain, and tone coloring controls. It also offers three independent outputs: a standard ΒΌ", a balanced XLR with a ground lift, and a dedicated headphone jack.

The ZIO Analog Bass Preamp + DI features a perfectly executed and intuitive set of EQ and filter controls that offer an array of tonal options. When used in tandem, the BASS and FOCUS knobs offer tremendous depth and power. The BASS knob provides a substantial low-end boost at around 100Hz, while also gently reducing muddy low-mids to retain clarity. The FOCUS knob sweeps the cut-off point of a high-pass filter to tame excessive sub-bass frequencies, creating extra headroom for a concise and punchy bass tone. The TREBLE knob boosts or cuts the highs to either enhance articulation without adding harshness, or smooth attack transients for a softer sound. The OUTPUT knob offers up to +16db of overall boost above unity gain or up to -6db of cut.

Price: $249 at dealers like Sweetwater.


KVR Audio, Inc.