
Softube releases Widener and Clipper plug-ins with a two-for-one offer

20th February 2024

Softube has announced the release of Widener and Clipper, new plugins designed to enhance audio tracks by expanding their stereo width and optimizing loudness levels, respectively.

Widener is engineered to transform mono tracks into stereo or to further expand the stereo width of existing tracks. It features five distinctive widening algorithms—Frequency Spread, Classic, Rotation, Ambience, and Reflections. These algorithms utilize advanced techniques such as phase shifting, Mid/Side processing, and reverberation to tailor the stereo image precisely while minimizing unwanted artifacts. For visual feedback, Widener includes a goniometer and correlation meter, assisting users in making informed decisions by visually monitoring the stereo width and ensuring the mix's integrity.

Clipper offers a sophisticated approach to peak clipping with its dual clipping stages, RMS and Peak, alongside an analog color option and an optimized soft knee function. This plugin is designed to creatively address the challenges of clipping, allowing users to shape the tonality of their audio with precision. By incorporating anti-aliasing techniques and multiple stages of 4x oversampling, Clipper effectively reduces artifacts, providing a clean and vibrant output. Its dual-stage processing enables users to refine the audio material's dynamics before it reaches the peak clipping stage, offering an innovative way to influence the clipper's impact on the sound.

Both plugins are compatible with all generations of the Console 1 Mixing System, ensuring seamless integration into existing workflows. Softube's Widener and Clipper plugins stand out as essential tools for producers looking to widen their tracks' stereo field and achieve competitive loudness levels without compromising audio quality.

Features at a glance



Price: $79 each or $79 for both until March 31st, 2024 from softube.com


KVR Audio, Inc.