AudioThing has updated Outer Space to version 1.1.0.
New features/fixes:
- Added: Volume/Pan for each head.
- Added: Low/Hi Cut for feedback section.
- Added: Ducking.
- Added: Pre-Emphasis.
- Added: Rate Ballistic.
- Added: Variable Speed (+/- 50 ms).
- Added: Stereo Delay amount (in ms).
- Added: Noise Tone.
- Added: Preamp switch.
- Added: Meter selector + Gain (input/output).
- Added: Preset Copy/Paste to/from Clipboard.
- Added: Global option - Switch off the feedback loop clearing on playback.
- Added: Global option - Resizable Window.
- Added: 10 new presets.
- Improved: Preamp section.
- Improved: Noise Section.
- Fixed: Synced values recall bug.
- Fixed: Plugin scan bug on some 32-bit host.
To update a user can log in to their AudioThing account.