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  5. MintberryCrunch Software Drumming FIXES

Hello fellow software-e-drummers, .

my name is Martin and I'm developing software drumming fixes (I call them "MintberryCrunch Software Drumming FIXES" as a little brand) helping to get a properly working e-drum performance out of common drum samplers like EzDrummer, SuperiorDrummer, StevenSlateDrums, GetGoodDrums, BFD, GrooveAgent...

IMHO Software Drumming (which can be the greatest thing on earth) needs to become more popular and common (it's still a very small e-drummer community and even smaller is the ammount of those who can play drum samplers in a "high end" (= at least everything working perfectly) way).

BTW, the fixes are provided with DAW projects. They are complex MIDI engines. The supported DAWs are "Cubase Artist/Pro", "Logic Pro X", "Reaper", "Bidule", (partially: "Ableton Live Suite").

Enjoy! :).