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  5. Nikkoid

Nikkoid the nickname of Nicolas Choukroun, a multimedia independent developer since 1982. http://Nikkoid.com is a network of website selling sounds, plug-ins and 3d assets.


Nicolas Choukroun (Nikkoid or Nikko) has been creating music since 1982 and has been working in the video game industry until 1996. He funded DSPDEV who became a leading 3rd party for the Creamware platform and in 2002, http://Gigfiles.com and http://Absolutepianos.com. In 2006, Nikko move in Florida to work on eSoundz.com and downloadablesoundz.com. He worked with Dave Kerzner (Squidz) to make all the sounds from Sonic Reality downloadable and made a new business models with downloadablesoundz creditz. Since 2008, Nikkoid is coming back in the video game fields by selling music, sounds and 3d Assets thru http://unity3dx.com. Now Nikko is living in Pattaya (Thailand) where he can continue to create the sounds and the 3d and share with its 23,000 customers.

Audio Businesses:

http://absolutepianos.com: addicted to virtual piano emulation, I have created a series of 8 plug-ins compatible VSTi, working on PC exclusively. Started in 2004, this project is continuously updated and enhanced to feature the best brands and provide a truly amazing experience for the piano lovers.

http://gigfiles.com: is a download website with+ 2GB of sounds sampled on various synths for years. Some exclusive samples are for example all the Roland XV expansion drums!


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