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Products by Spacewindow

Latest reviews of Spacewindow products


Reviewed By PatCJrMusic [all]
August 21st, 2022
Version reviewed: 1.5 on Windows

The Casio CZ-1 was the first synthesizer that I purchased, which I still own and utilize to this day. I don't know why but I always seem to be searching for Phase Distortion VSTs. So after adding Algo Music's CZynthia and Phadiz, as well as reFx's PlastiCZ and Kriminal's CZar to my collection, I needed to find more. Not that I disliked any of the previously mentioned emulators, as they each have their own variations and unique process of PD, I just wanted to find more. Unfortunately the site provided here is no longer valid, but after a bit of searching I finally found a version on this VST site in Russia : http://cjcity.ru/soft/teg-artphase.html .I not sure if this was the latest version, but I am so glad I found this one.

Artphase has certainly captured that PD feel that I love! I have created some very interesting presets ranging from fat wet reso basses to nice soothing pads and classic synth FX. Patch editing is quite easy, but be sure to check out the multiple layers on the Envelopes A/B, Modulation and Effects windows. It has the same selection of waveforms as the CZ as well as the two oscillators (or lines). The Ring Modulator has some nice variations/combinations applying to the lines 1/2 - A/B, the mix between and the filter. Great delay and chorus features creates a wide stereo feel with sweeping pans! Even if you are not a big fan of PD synths, I would still highly recommend it.

It is really a shame that Spacewindow is no longer in operation (please inform me if I am wrong) as I found this to be a fantastic PD synth and would really like to see what else they had in the works.



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Reviewed By Debutante [all]
April 1st, 2005
Version reviewed: 1.5 on Windows

THIS IN NOT A ONE DIMENSIONAL SYNTH!!, although by just looking at it, I can see why there isn't a review for it yet, in spite the fact that this one is a GOOD-ER! In freebee world, anyone who likes the Algomusic's Phadiz is going to LOVE this one. The Artphase generates very deep and wide soundschemes that can be surprisingly thicker and heavier than one might expect. I think it is a fantastic addon particularly for anyone needing ambience or other rolling background FX and textures, as the sound has quite the substance to it.
The GUI at would at first peg the Arthphase to be an overly simplistic first attempt and looks a little utilitarian, but in fact contains quite a few "hidden" parameters that you would miss if you were just browsing. Click on the arrows/pointers (on the headers that have one) to discover bonus bits that include 2 more modulation matrices (one of which is assignable tempo synced), chorus, distortion, a left/ right delay and a total of three different envelopes for each oscilliator making for a pretty versatile instrument.
One NEEDS to load this plugin to really see what it is capable of. It will leave you wondering why you hadn't tried it before. It is extremely easy to use and becomes intuitive within a matter of a few moments of exploration, but don't be fooled by its appearence. This is a STANDOUT synth among its freebie peers.
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