The sequel

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This is an ambient sequel track for "The great martian wars". It isn't finished yet, would like to add some more sounds in it, but would be cool if I had some feedback on how it works ..

Wasted lands

It is Tracktion & Tera 2 only


its all in the title
but i would add at least one or two other sounds here and there,but not too much and keep them deep in the mix so you only think your hearing them :-o

but i like it,altho i still prefer the first but i cant wait for the whole suite 8)
you gotta put it on cd then :D


Thanx mate,

As I said, more sounds are on the way :)
I think I'll add some blips :D
I too prefer the first, but things are pretty bad after a war, so is this track :P
When I get famous and the record labels come running after me, I sure will put those on a cd :hihi:


tera ... :love:
virsyn has made a beautiful sounding soft ...

i am enjoying the sparse atmosphere , and laconic build ...


Yeah some sparse blips or odd sounds here and there; but not too much.... This allready is a great carpet of sound; I very much enjoyed the tension build on those string sounds.... :)

Demi on 8)


normal wrote:tera ... :love:
virsyn has made a beautiful sounding soft ...

i am enjoying the sparse atmosphere , and laconic build ...
I couldn't agree more .. always a pleasure to listen to Tera and working with it :love:
(well, when not having problems with it, but I love it and I think Harry will fix this soon)

Glad you liked it :)
Thanx a lot!


Mystahr wrote:This allready is a great carpet of sound; I very much enjoyed the tension build on those string sounds.... :)
Thanx Mark. These two sounds came out when I was hitting the random button of Tera the other day, and I started playing this without knowing where I was going :hihi:

I will be going to hit it more times to build up my Mum collection of presets :D


mffs wrote: Thanx Mark. These two sounds came out when I was hitting the random button of Tera the other day, and I started playing this without knowing where I was going :hihi:
Heh, that's how I usually work too. Create sounds; fiddle about; new song :D


mffs wrote:
Mystahr wrote:This allready is a great carpet of sound; I very much enjoyed the tension build on those string sounds.... :)
Thanx Mark. These two sounds came out when I was hitting the random button of Tera the other day, and I started playing this without knowing where I was going :hihi:

I will be going to hit it more times to build up my Mum collection of presets :D

you like mum?
top stuff 8)


I don't just like 'em, I envy them :hihi:
They have great ideas which turn into the greatest results .. something like gods to me :D

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