Tutorials&Theory that could be applied in RC

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yeayy!! excitement and amazement sharing!!! So happy about that.



Dorian does rock! Amazing how emotionally moving the tune ends up being.
Besides the very cool Dorian use what I found interesting was that refreshing chord change.


for a long time i've been thinking how great and if it would be possible that RC does this kind of "expanding". In my imagination i imagine level 1 to 2 should be doable, maybe even one to 3, and of course 1 to 4 would be legendary.
To have a melody and RC to use all the theory in it to expand that to 4 complementary tracks which complete the melodic soundscape and by passing through different Kontakt instruments would also fill out everything from bass to mids to high (all aware of our ear/physics limitations of longer/simpler in the bass, more detail in the highs) would be just heaven on earth.

Not to mention that having this kind of functionality would be one step closer to the holly grail of music assisted composing, the "one button song generation". I still go back to Band in a Box (an old software that's had something like that for like 20+ years already) sometimes just for the entertainment and inspiration of generating a whole song and having thus that mythical "writer's block" passed having a core to build around. But I don't like that and BiaB is not by far as powerful and good a composing tool as RC, so naturally I hope this kind of functionality to be inside RC. I know a little bit of that could be achieved through the Idea Generators but i've never had any success with that approach so for me it's still a wish.


This explains how to change keys in a progression. The video is targeted for guitar players, but, the theory applies to any instrument, really..



thanks a lot BluGenes for the great theory video post! It's wonderfully explained.
One thing i'm not quite clear on this stuff is if these ideas are at all maintained if you're trying to compose in Dorian or Lydian.


Lydian + 7/4 = Writing Dreamy Instrumental Prog Rock
i hope in the following years to learn to better use RapidComposer with odd time signatures as well as to better understand if it's a do or don't/danger in phrase generation to end up with phrases which change the beats that are emphasized and how to control that.


Quite beautifully explained. Unfortunately it may require smarter minds than mine to figure out how to actually apply all this knowledge into RC composing. Thought I'd share in case anybody finds it useful, or who knows, maybe the absolute master creator will find something in this theory inspiring into improving generation success for RC future versions.


An interesting idea for making a harmonic rhythm variation/doubling chord progressions with interest.


https://youtu.be/drALlAUESvg not theory this one time but I just have to say i'd love to one day be able to make things like this inside RC. I know there's very good bass sample libraries out there, so from the sound point of view I'm sure it's possible but I suspect this is a lot about changing articulations/styles of playing in between notes to access the different sampled sounds, and of course rhythm and rhythm variation through time. I'd love to one day experiment with generators that change articulations inside phrases for such funky funk effects :D

Oh, and this bassist is just super funny on top of epic skills, have to share:
I can imagine sooo many hours of fun (and possibly good songs?) just regenerating phrases switching between slap/pick/all the other articulations I can't even name. I notice so much of musical interest is all about this change between stuff. But until those glorious days I just wish for a generator that does legato properly (with note overlaps) and switches to it and back when the notes don't overlap.
Just dreaming out loud over here, in the hopes our musical god Attila the AmazignessFantsticalGeniusGloriousness will hear my prayers!


Thank you, iXaarii! I am doing my best to catch up with your dreams :)
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you've done soooo much already I feel REALLY REAAALLY bad for asking for more... but you gotta admit they're amazing dreams which IMHO are totally worth dreaming!


Way before i even thought these dreams that could be dreamt, way back when i thought the best in computer assisted music creation was Biab you were already dreaming dreams of "generic generators" and conforming phrases to chords, and then melody generators... THAAAAAAAAAAANK YOUUU sooooooooo much for dreaming those dreams... and much more thank you for having the skills and persevernce to bring them to life. Dreams are overrated, so many people complain "but that wass my ideaa, i had that idea so many years before X"... but ideas without realization are a dime a dozen, your skills and work is MAAAAAAAAAAGIIIC come true.
Thaaaaaaaaank you!!!


Hi Everyone, I'm thinking about making a tutorial series for the rapidcomposer community. I myself specialise in EDM music, so if there's anything that you would like to know about producing EDM music in RC please comment below .
Attila has been working very hard to implement some of the suggestions I have put forward and I'm constantly thinking of ways to make RC appeal to a wider audience. so I would really like to give something back to show my appreciation so please let me know if there's anything you would like to learn.


Hi dammusic,

FWIW - I'm always interested in people's workflows, how others go about it, and esp. how to get from scratch to credible project "Rapid"-ly. Videos under 5-6 minutes, with summary documentation to accompany are the sweet spot, IMO.



Hi dammusic, that sounds faaan and fuuun tastic!!! I can't wait to learn from you. Please forgive me if I don't fully get what the term EDM really means, it's always been fuzzy on me, but should that be on your table, regarding to your question, I have aaaaalways wanted to learna how to make drumnbass type music, and learning how to do that with RC, to experiment and make variations would be a lifelong dream of mine, so that would be my own little wish. I grew up on Prodigy among other things and for a few years I kept working (gfx) in a group of djs organizing events, particularly dnb and I was always curious. Another (maybe similar maybe different? sorry, i don't know the categories) genre that i'd be curious in would be stuff like https://youtu.be/PgiZkbaS1-4 (is this the same genre as https://youtu.be/ymNFyxvIdaM ? And is this https://youtu.be/KGEUd0jB3jE dnb? Sorry, don't know the genres.

Thank you very much for your most generous offer, I can't wait to see what you make and learn from your workflow whatever you choose to do, there's so much power under the hood of RC so I'm super excited to see how YOU use it and tips and tricks.


Hi guys ,

Great to see you're interested in seeing some workflows and tutorials. They say EDM stands for electronic dance music, to me that just means anything that's uplifting with a beat. So drum and bass ,dubstep, house electro . I'm planning to make short 5-minute videos with tips and tricks .

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