Matrices Deep Dive

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The question I have is a little complex. I made a quick screen share video that might best explain what's going on.

I hope the information is sufficient. Thank you to the team for creating this plugin it seems very promising. ... 623bb72918 (



First off, this is one of those instances (a.k.a. more or less all instances) where I feel that the written would would have been superior. But to reflect on your questions in the video;

a.) There is no real right or wrong when it comes to arranging your "mike sets" here. Using regions is the "least expensive" in that it keeps things pretty uncluttered. Otoh, if you feel the need to include group switching into the mix, moving "microphones" into groups (i.e. layers) is better. Then you can also assign different sound groups and use automation on individual microphones. The same can be said for putting things on separate slots. Though I don't 100% recommend the latter, as it is more taxing for the engine/UI.

b.) Matrices, like waves, programs and even performances are shared entities. Just as you can select from any of the loaded programs in any program slot, you can use any matrix loaded in any program. So, yes, distinct naming is a good idea.

TX16Wx Software Sampler:


Sorry, usually the screencasts are usually better received. However thank you for your advice. I guess why I was using the matrices method was because of Round-Robin... My samples are as such:

Each drum hit was recorded at 3 velocities.
Each of the 3 velocities contain 5 samples.
For example, my inside Kick drum has 15 samples. (Soft 1-5, Med 1-5, Hard 1-5)

When I loaded them just as regions and set the appropriate velocities I couldn’t hear them alternating Round-Robin. It sounded like it was only playing one of the samples per velocity threshold.

My set up was as such:
I loaded 15 kick.wav files and mapped them all to the single key C1.
• 5 soft hits to play at velocity 0-40
• 5 medium hits to play at velocity 41-90
• 5 hard hits to play at velocity 91-127
I created a simple three note midi sequence to test this, one note within the the threshold of each of my defined velocities.
When I play it out it does play the correct soft, medium, hard samples per midi notes but it does not appear to be using all 5 samples per velocity Round-Robin. So the sound is not to dynamic.

This is where the matrices seemed to work. If I could get the Round-Robin using only regions I may be more inclined to use that method.

Any thoughts on Round-Robin multiple samples in the same region?



I am not in any way objecting to your use of matrices. They are by far the best option for building variant sounds (typically by velocity + rr). I was just trying to answer your questions on how to organize your matrix layout and the concepts of sound objects in TX16Wx.

Using only regions (or using group switch RR) does not add anything to your setup really. You are doing just fine. As I said, depending on your requirements, you might want to move your matrix regions to separate groups or even programs for some use cases, but until you really see these, the layout so far is quite adequate.

Reqions do not have RR (or any other switching). That is the role of groups or indeed matrices.
TX16Wx Software Sampler:

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