Importing chords into master track with voicings

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I'm having a play with the demo, and I am trying to drag or copy a chord progression into the master track, while retaining the voicings of those chords. Currently it correctly recognises the chords, but the voicings (including slash bass notes) are lost. Is it possible to import/copy/drag in a way that preserves the voicings?


No, at the moment the voicing is not imported from the dropped MIDI file.
If you save a progression from the master track in the Progression Browser, the voicing that you set is preserved.
With the voicing editor (click on the [V] below the Master Track label) you can set up chord voicings, but I think it is much better to interpret the chords in each track, depending on the instrument. E.g. for an A minor chord: an acoustic guitar will play its own voicing with 5 or 6 notes, a bass guitar would play the bass or slash note, and a piano player would also play a different voicing. So I am not confident that it is the best to apply voicing on the master track chords, because those may be used by several tracks, and not all tracks want to use the same voicing. You can assign a voicing to a single phrase if you want.

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