Extensive Rapid Composer V3 Video Tutorial Series!!!

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I wanted to thank Gene Brown for his in depth Rapid Composer V3 tutorial series.
RC is a powerful, complicated tool that in the past had limited tutorial support.
These video tutorials help new and old users make sense of the plethora of options and controls available to them.
Thanks Gene for a job well done!


Yes, BluGenes rocks! :)
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
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Well, thanks! It was something that I thought, needed to be done, and I didn't mind doing it. Attila has so much going on, so, helping out like this was a no problem for me.

Some of those videos, I want to re-do, they could be better presented. Just haven't had time.. After I watched a couple of them, I kind of laughed at my self.. but, hey, still was fun.. it's a learning process all it's own.. I now fully respect those YouTubers that do this all the time..

There is a lot in RC that isn't quite intuitive, so, hopefully everyone will become a power user with this software, that is the goal, anyways..

So, if anyone has tips or tricks they want to share, please, by all means make a video and share it!


After viewing all the videos I decided to deleted my previous suggestions since it was clear to me that your tutorials were well conceived and executed. Nice job!


I am a RC newbie having just purchased the program a week or so ago. BluGenes your videos have been invaluable in helping me get the basics down. Thank you for having made them.


saw that title and was thinking wow, someone picked up my slack.. lol.. thank you for your kind words..

welcome aboard and if you have any questions, just ask here..

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