Better late then never: Moog set for EVE and WusikStation

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Instruments Discussion
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Hi all

Better late then never announcing this. It was released a while ago, but I don't think it was ever posted about in Instruments, so heres the info site:

This is a fantastic set of Mini-Moog sounds. I did a full bank for EVE and WusikStation for it. Been getting good reports as well. Some have compared it to the VST emulations and say this set sounds better! ( to my surprise!) :shock:

I really like it as well..I finally have mini-moog sounds! So check it out. 8)



forgot to add that in the WusikStation presets, ( the SYN and PAD)I used the Wave oscillators to make some unique sounds that only the WS can do.Theres some MP3's at that link that demonstrate it. The MP3's that have WS on them are the Wusik Station ones.



and let me tell again: great job on the presets Tim!

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