Diva's Plate Reverb - also in Uhbik-A ?

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The plate reverbs in Diva are remarkably good.
Are these similarly covered in the Uhbik-A ?



Uhbik-A is based on the same principle but sounds smoother. The Diva plate is a close recreation of a classic one.

I learned something during the development though which I want to add back to Uhbik-A some time :-)


Thanks Urs, still have to do a proper evaluation of Uhbik though.


Urs wrote:Uhbik-A is based on the same principle but sounds smoother. The Diva plate is a close recreation of a classic one.

I learned something during the development though which I want to add back to Uhbik-A some time :-)
Please do!

The Plate(s?) is perfect for the synth, but it would be nice to have these algorithms in Uhbik-A also ;)


Resurrecting this thread. As a new owner of Diva (long-time demo-er) I've always been amazed at how good the reverb sounds. Any plans to create a Diva-fy or input mode for Diva's signal path?



PS Bravo and congrats on the 1.3 release!


I think that if you instantiate Diva with audio input then you can use the fx. However, it depends on whether or not a host can send audio input to a VST instrument.

Audio In was always planned, but we never got there. Maybe in the next update :oops:


Urs wrote:I think that if you instantiate Diva with audio input then you can use the fx. However, it depends on whether or not a host can send audio input to a VST instrument.

Audio In was always planned, but we never got there. Maybe in the next update :oops:
Very interesting! I gave it a quick shot in live. I have one audio track, and one midi track with Diva loaded. While I can select the track with Diva as the destination for the audio, Diva does not seem to be "seeing" the audio. I even tried gating the envelope with some MIDI notes.

Or maybe she doesn't like what I'm trying to feed her? :P

In any case, thanks for the tip!



Urs wrote:I think that if you instantiate Diva with audio input then you can use the fx. However, it depends on whether or not a host can send audio input to a VST instrument.

Audio In was always planned, but we never got there. Maybe in the next update :oops:
Metaplugin is your friend :oops:

I don't know when will people start to realize the things you can do with this EXTREMELY (EXTREMELY) powerful tool (I'll give you a starting point : EVERYTHING :)).

Piece of cake to use. just insert MP (effect version) in your insert slot, load up DIVA (or any other processor) connect the cables (Audio, MIDI, or Audio AND MIDI)... and you are good to go.

Rrrrr....I want DIVE... $hit, only next month (at least) :(


Tp3 wrote:
Urs wrote:I think that if you instantiate Diva with audio input then you can use the fx. However, it depends on whether or not a host can send audio input to a VST instrument.

Audio In was always planned, but we never got there. Maybe in the next update :oops:
Metaplugin is your friend :oops:

I don't know when will people start to realize the things you can do with this EXTREMELY (EXTREMELY) powerful tool (I'll give you a starting point : EVERYTHING :)).

Piece of cake to use. just insert MP (effect version) in your insert slot, load up DIVA (or any other processor) connect the cables (Audio, MIDI, or Audio AND MIDI)... and you are good to go.

Rrrrr....I want DIVE... $hit, only next month (at least) :(
hmm…i'm trying the demo of metplugin and diva is still not passing audio. uhbik-A works just fine (tried it as a test), but i can't see to get Diva working.


papertiger wrote:hmm…i'm trying the demo of metplugin and diva is still not passing audio. uhbik-A works just fine (tried it as a test), but i can't see to get Diva working.
Load DIVA into Metaplugin EFFECT (NOT the synth). connect the audio inputs of MP to DIVAs audio input, connect DIVAs audio output to MP output... play something (remember, DIVA is now acting as an effect) and start flicking through presets.


Urs wrote:
Audio In was always planned, but we never got there. Maybe in the next update :oops:
That will be a great day! :-)



I wonder if anything more has moved on this. I really like the diva reverb. I've tried reproducing the same using uhbik-a, but I can't get it quite the same.


Works fine in metaplugin as stated above - it does accept audio in but you need a host that routes it properly - metaplugin does it great - so do Tracktion's rack filters

It only seems to work with the VST and VST3 though, not the AU, it doesn't seem to show its audio ins to the hosts I've tried - also you have to experiment with presets - some it works with some it doesn't - BS THXish seems a good starting point

Pity you can't seem to do this with the filters too though, only seems to work with the fx


Doesn't seem to be working in Reaper... and input pins are enabled...

EDIT: Hmmm, yeah, it works with BS THXish, but not all presets. Weird.


aMUSEd wrote:Works fine in metaplugin as stated above - it does accept audio in but you need a host that routes it properly - metaplugin does it great - so do Tracktion's rack filters
Wow, tried it again (as stated above by that guy :D)

lllllllllush is the word :o
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