That long-awaited Rhino update...

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Instruments Discussion



Thanks for the update!


Wow ,
An utter classic keeps getting better !

Muchas garcias, muy bueno :love:
Financial solvency and KVR Mix as well as oil and water.


So you no more sleeping?


Thanks, although I'm quite happy with my Rhino as it is now, will have to check this out :tu:


So, all quiet on the Rhino front?


Numanoid, what would your top 3 features be for an hypothetical Rhino update ?


I bought Rhino a while back on a crazy-cheap group buy. Probably didn't give it much respect due to the low, low price. My mistake. What a beast (no pun intended)! This is a seriously powerful instrument - in spite of the meager 19 pages of documentation that makes it appear otherwise. I'm grateful for this thread - I never knew Thino had been given a 64-bit upgrade even for the PC. Clearly I need to spend some more time getting go know this synth.


Funny; I just demoed Rhino for the first time today.
I was hoping I could run it's step sequencer in AudioMulch without having to feed it a MIDI note/gate/trigger, but it won't have it.
Kind of a bummer, because many of Rhino's parameters can be controlled with AudioMulch's Metasurface (which is major for me); including the step sequencer's parameters.
AudioMulch has no MIDI note sequencer, and as I love using it, I'm always on the lookout for synths with built-in step sequencers.
Shame Rhino can't run it's seq on it's own; it certainly sounds great otherwise!
Or have I missed something?

Would also be cool if all the spline envelope points could be controlled via automation (allowing them to be mapped to the Metasurface) and other parameters such as the Oscillator Shapes and step sequencer loop length. I'm comparing it to Curve2 in this regard, as Curve2 is fully automatable (including all it's envelope points) via the MetaSurface - great fun. However, Curve2 doesn't have a step sequencer, and is a different creature to Rhino.


when I go to the downloads page it says "demo version 2.12 OSX." is this going to just update the current version of Rhino I have or will I have to dig up my serial number? thanks though, glad for the update.

edit: it seems to have installed ok, but I found a weird bug. If I have the Rhino window open and then close it for any reason, when I go to open it again later, it only opens up a weird small window that shows the factory presets. this bug is in Logic 9 on the latest version of Mavericks. I have attached a screenshot.

macbook pro 2.88 GHz Intel Core Duo, 10 gigs ram, 750GB HD, Logic Studio 9
my blog and some music:


Big Tick wrote:Numanoid, what would your top 3 features be for an hypothetical Rhino update ?
-Bigger GUI, it's getting to be a little small now.
-Redesigning the patch page, I'm a bit confused why there need to be two windows to show the patches (bank and and library), one is enough, the extra space created can be used to have more macro controls on that page for example
-More built in waveforms


update on that GUI bug: if i close out the project and re-open, I get the full GUI again. But if I close the GUI and then re-open the GUI, you get that small little window I posted up above.
macbook pro 2.88 GHz Intel Core Duo, 10 gigs ram, 750GB HD, Logic Studio 9
my blog and some music:


Rhino deserves less a Windows 2.0 gui but something more yummy. Lot of work though.
"The educated person is one who knows how to find out what he does not know" - George Simmel
“It's what you learn after you know it all that counts.” - John Wooden


Numanoid wrote:
Big Tick wrote:Numanoid, what would your top 3 features be for an hypothetical Rhino update ?
-Bigger GUI, it's getting to be a little small now.
-Redesigning the patch page, I'm a bit confused why there need to be two windows to show the patches (bank and and library), one is enough, the extra space created can be used to have more macro controls on that page for example
-More built in waveforms
First of all it needs Zero delay Feedback Filters. I used Rhino a lot in the past but when I wanted to have some cool Filter on an abstract seq or pad or whatever I recognised that it doesn´t have any Filter but low EQs which are named 12db etc... :?
I mean, there is even a document in the net about how to do it. Rhino really deserves it. A bigger GUI has nothing to do with sound.
Induljon a banzáj!


e-modic wrote:A bigger GUI has nothing to do with sound.
When I'm playing with something, it is important for me to be able to see the controls properly.


e-modic wrote:First of all it needs Zero delay Feedback Filters. I used Rhino a lot in the past but when I wanted to have some cool Filter on an abstract seq or pad or whatever I recognised that it doesn´t have any Filter but low EQs which are named 12db etc... :?
I mean, there is even a document in the net about how to do it. Rhino really deserves it. A bigger GUI has nothing to do with sound.
This I could do, although do you really want to have the same filters in every vsti ?
The only problem I see, is that none of the factory patches would use the new filters. So you would have a new nice feature, that is not used anywhere in the factory content.

Regarding the UI, it is 90% of the Rhino code. I am all for supporting users, but rewriting 90% of the code for a free update ? really ?

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