Should I spend my $$ On Sonar X3 Or Logic X

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Logic Pro


Hey Guys,

I have been using Sonar X3 for the last couple of years (Currently X2a)and I like the workflow of the program, However I have a few bucks to spend and I can either build a custom PC and upgrade to Sonar X3 or buy a MAC and buy Logic X for pretty much the same money.

I would like to hear from anyone who has moved from one to the other and hear your thoughts. Most people I know use Logic and swear by it but Sonar X3 looks quite slick and I like the look of integrated Melodyne.(Maybe I'm just suffering from the "grass is always greener" syndrome).

Just wondering if the difference between the two programs is worth the new learning curve.

Thanks for your input.



Given all the stability problems and uncertain future of X3, I would think going Logic would be a no brainer. I'd much prefer S1 to both however.


I was in that situation. Switched to S1. Lovin every minute of it


Not the most powerful host on the planet, but another vote for S1 from me.

I've never found an easier host to sequence in. I can write music uber-quick in it (for me).

I don't know anything about Sonar or Logic, though, so I can't compare. I've used ACID Pro 7, Reaper, Tracktion, S1, and Cubase (4-7).
Blue Phase Music


i love Sonar X3, but that is a worthless opinion at this forum. so you will be swayed elsewhere
my newest sounds:

Cakewalk by BandLab, Komplete 13, Maschine 2 (MKI & Jam), Fathom Synth, Guitars, Jam Origin MIDI Guitar, EXH Superego+ etc


donato wrote:Given all the stability problems
Which stability problems? From what I've read on the Cakewalk forums there's 99,9% positive experiences. Also, there's already a patch X3b out that solved several issues that are normal in every new software release.
mondaydave wrote:I would like to hear from anyone who has moved from one to the other and hear your thoughts.
I think you're on the wrong forum when it comes to Sonar. Much negativity and disinformation is spread here. Some people here just want to see Cakewalk die, it seems. I'm still on X2, so I don't know about X3, and the only advise I can give to you is to ask your question on the Cakewalk- and/or Logic forums, and when the demo comes out, definitely try it out for yourself.
Last edited by Daan22 on Tue Oct 08, 2013 12:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.


I don't know Sonar much however I can say Logic X has been amazing so far. Been using it since version 8 by the way.


According to some here there are a number of us who want to see cake die. I am not one of them.

Having got that off my beak I'd suggest if you are not experiencing all kinds of issues then you should go for it. It is a powerful program...
If a billion people believe a stupid thing it is still a stupid thing


Daan22 wrote:Some people here just want to see Cakewalk die, it seems.
Those apostates! Pay no attention to their venomous words. The world's best software for recording and making music will never die!

Btw, just saw Sonar in the restaurant last night. Looked little bit bloated (too much bundled plug-ins?), but I'm sure everything will be just fine... :D
Last edited by J4R1O on Tue Oct 08, 2013 2:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Optimal number of audio plugins is one more than you currently have.


List things you definitely want in your new daw.


Spending money on Sonar X3 =



First question that needs to be answered is "Do you need it?". Just because you have some extra money and can afford it that doesn't mean you need it. I can understand the option to upgrade to X3 cause you have been using previous versions since some time but other options like a MAC, Logic X doesn't make sense to me. There is a learning curve with anything new. Do you have enough time to learn? What about the time that you have invested in learning Sonar? You just want to throw it away? Remember people who swear by a DAW means they know that DAW inside out, they can do everything in that DAW hence they swear by it. If you keep jumping from one to other in every couple of years then you won't be able to reach that level. You haven't mentioned if Sonar X2 is okay or troublesome for you. If that's the case then understandable otherwise I would suggest you spend that money somewhere that's worth it.
I know you are not gonna pay attention to above :-D so if you are hell bent on buying something the last piece of advice would be "please play with the demo first", every DAW looks good on Youtube videos. They all are capable, it depends on what you can do with it.
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I would warn anyone that Logic takes a bit of getting used to when switching from another DAW, but Logic X is much easier to jump into.

I'd recommend going with Logic. Sonar's great, but Logic (and by extension, Mac OS X)* is more widely used in professional/semi-professional circles, so you might gain some interoperability with other musicians/studios. I keep my Logic skills up for working with other people, but I still use Cubase primarily.

*Not meant as a dig in any way against PC/Sonar users. Sonar's great, I used it for years.


Considering how the workflow is different in each host.. I'd say try to see if you can use Logic first just to get a feel for the workflow.

I mean, you might decide to jump to a Mac and Logic then realize it isn't for you.. then what? You just spent money on a new computer and host software...

Everyone has a slightly different approach and definitely personality.. so our opinions are going to be varied for varied reasons. You really need to trial unless you're already convinced Logic is for you (and if you were you wouldn't have asked the original question :ud:).


You can't demo Logic, especially if you don't have a Mac (!). Best thing to do is visit an Apple store and check out Logic on one of the display machines. It should be obviously fairly quickly whether you like it or not.

... space is the place ...

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