Diva does digital

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Instruments Discussion


Who said only analogue synths from the 70ies could be dinosaurs? ;)

We thought that the 1990ies JP-80x0 was as much a vintage dino as any analogue one. We felt that Diva would benefit if she could recreate the vibe of the JP-80x0 oscillator. Needless to say, the JP does not only have a SuperSaw waveform, it also has Feedback, PWM, TriangleMod ("wrapped triangle"), a bendable sawtooth, tuned/filtered noise and a bendable triangle.

Unlike the JP however, we merged the possibilities of both oscillators and spent both the full feature set - every knob always does something and every waveform can be played polyphonic. Out came the new Digital Osc module:


Next up, the most requested vintage filter was then multimode filter (SVF) found in the Oberheim OB-X and SEM synthesizers. Unfortunately the only remarkable difference to the 12dB filter of the existing multimode filter in Diva was the uncompensated resonance. That is, the level goes up when resonance is turned up.

Therefore we exaggerated the non-linear behaviour of this filter. So this one has a lot of character 8) . Also, it doesn't just morph from lowpass to highpass via notch, it can also do so via bandpass:


Last but not least the most requested feature for Diva was an arpeggiator. Of course nowadays arpeggiators are most often what I call sequencers that also arpeggiate (I plead guilty!), but we decided to stick to what Diva does best: Recreate vintage vibes in a modern dress.

Thus Diva's arp is a colourful mix of various arpeggiators we've found in our vintage synth collection. Most notably, we managed to reproduce the "Leap" mode of the Crumar Spirit which does that instant TD feeling. In addition we decoupled Arpeggiator and Clock so that we can use the Clock module for future additions:


Here's a screenshot of the full beast:


-> Diva 1.3, free update from 1.x, now with AAX support

Download the update or check out the demo now:



- Urs
Last edited by Urs on Mon Dec 09, 2013 4:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Been using the Digital OSC, absolutely love it! Used to own an JP8080 and now I can finally get over selling it. Thanks for the the free gear therapy and update!


congrats, finally it's released!!!


Urs wrote:Who said only analogue synths from the 70ies could be dinosaurs? ;)

We thought that the 1990ies JP-80x0 was as much a vintage dino as any analogue one. We felt that Diva would benefit if she could recreate the vibe of the JP-80x0 oscillator. Needless to say, the JP does not only have a SuperSaw waveform, it also has Feedback, PWM, TriangleMod ("wrapped triangle"), a bendable sawtooth, tuned/filtered noise and a bendable triangle.

Unlike the JP however, we merged the possibilities of both oscillators and spent both the full feature set - every knob always does something and every waveform can be played polyphonic. Out came the new Digital Osc module:


Next up, the most requested vintage filter was then multimode filter (SVF) found in the Oberheim OB-X and SEM synthesizers. Unfortunately the only remarkable difference to the 12dB filter of the existing multimode filter in Diva was the uncompensated resonance. That is, the level goes up when resonance is turned up.

Therefore we exaggerated the non-linear behaviour of this filter. So this one has a lot of character 8) . Also, it doesn't just morph from lowpass to highpass via notch, it can also do so via bandpass:


Last but not least the most requested feature for Diva was an arpeggiator. Of course nowadays arpeggiators are most often what I call sequencers that also arpeggiate (I plead guilty!), but we decided to stick to what Diva does best: Recreate vintage vibes in a modern dress.

Thus Diva's arp is a colourful mix of various arpeggiators we've found in our vintage synth collection. Most notably, we managed to reproduce the "Leap" mode of the Crumar Spirit which does that instant TD feeling. In addition we decoupled Arpeggiator and Clock so that we can use the Clock module for future additions:


Here's a screenshot of the full beast:


-> Diva 1.3, free update from 1.x, now with AAX support

Download the update or check out the demo now:



- Urs
Wow - fantastic update Urs! Thanks so much for this. Brilliant!
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Awesome update urs and team...cant wait to check this


Congrats on the release :)

It's a really great update! The digital oscillator is really, really versatile and can do a lot of stuff beyond the obvious supersaw synths!

I tried to have a new bank for Diva ready as soon as the update is official, but I guess I still need a few more days :hihi:



Here's a new stuff with it, I've been having it for a while, so abused it quite a bit.
People, a few labels liked that, haha
Everything with it including drums
https://soundcloud.com/blue-eyedblondea ... diva-demos
Soundbanks for Serum, Bazille, Diva, lush-101, Zebra2, Monark... Here


Congrats with 10 years, here's to 10 more :party:

Maybe the updated version of Zebra should really be called Zebra X :D

The DIVA update is humongous, that's more like Diva 2 than just Diva 1.3 :o


Awesome!! :wheee:


Finally, woohoo... :party:

Sound Designer
Lunaris 2 - the premier pads instrument for NI Kontakt Player - pads and pads only...


The tuned noise thing is superb. Love it.


Awesome updates. Thanks!! :D


Diva does digital and Predator does a Dark Train with it haha
https://soundcloud.com/blue-eyedblondea ... redator-vs
Soundbanks for Serum, Bazille, Diva, lush-101, Zebra2, Monark... Here


So now it's Dinosaur Impersonating Virtual Analog (Now Also Impersonating Virtual Analog Dinosaur).

...long live DIVANAIVAD!

Seriously, this is a fabulous addition to an already top-tier synth. Huge thanks, guys.

(P.S. - not a complaint AT ALL, just curious: has the step-sequencer been saved for a future upgrade?)


Very nice, getting a U-he product is like a gift that keeps on giving.

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