Daw recommendations for laptop producer?

Audio Plugin Hosts and other audio software applications discussion
Bitwig Studio 5


Hi everyone,

Im looking for a daw for my laptop that doesnt require a dongle and is suited more for making electronic music( e.g. easy side chain compression).Im also looking for a daw that has audio render in place as cubase 7 doesnt have that feature. I currently have cubase 7 but i find myself not utilizing alot of its features and i end up just using cubase AI 7.The requirement of a dongle also makes it risky for me.



You can buy Xfer LFO Tool or Cableguys Volumeshaper if you want a quick EDM Sidechain, they work good in every daw.



Ableton Live, FL Studio, Logic Pro X (OSX) and Studio One are good daw for electronic music, really depends on personal choice. Try demo versions.


Catw err ... Bitwig ... :D
"Where we're workarounding, we don't NEED features." - powermat


Bitwig definitely :tu:


Reaper, light and low cost


Moka Disco Express wrote:Reaper, light and low cost
Sure, that's my DAW of choice, but it's not better EDM DAW with piece of cake to setup sidechain than Bitwig, it really isn't, Bitwig offers great environment for getting creative and most out of EDM on laptop :tu:


jin7 wrote:Im looking for a daw for my laptop that doesnt require a dongle and is suited more for making electronic music( e.g. easy side chain compression).Im also looking for a daw that has audio render in place as cubase 7 doesnt have that feature.
Studio One is all this. I do agree with others that Bitwig would also be an excellent choice.


EDM? what is?


Mulab is for you
Beauty is only skin deep,
Ugliness, however, goes right the way through


bibz1st wrote:Mulab is for you
I taught that too, but setting up sidechain for example requires getting into modular view, connecting things which isn't at all straight forward and easier than in some other host's, but than all that opens up some other possibilities, it's good DAW and I hope that 2000 request will be implemented till v8 :tu:
Moka Disco Express wrote:EDM? what is?
Fish :tu:


May as well throw the name Tracktion in there.


Although for me, electronic/dance and side chaining screams Ableton Live (and Logic) to me.
My other host is Bruce Forsyth


Moka Disco Express wrote:EDM? what is?
Eclectic Dixieland Musings
My other host is Bruce Forsyth


Another vote for Bitwig. I use it on my MacBook Air and it's the perfect DAW for a no-hassle, portable setup IMO.
Logic Pro | PolyBrute | MatrixBrute | MiniFreak | Prophet 6 | Trigon 6 | OB-6 | Rev2 | Pro 3 | SE-1X | Polar TI2 | Blofeld | RYTMmk2 | Digitone | Syntakt | Digitakt | Integra-7 | TR-8S | MPC One | TD-3 MO


On the go I use Bitwig on my laptop and absolutely love it, perfect for EDM type stuff.
SW: Cubase 9.5 | Komplete 11 | Omnisphere 2 | Perfect Storm 2.5 | Soundtoys 5
HW: Steinberg UR28M | Focal Alpha 50 | Fender Jazz Bass | Alesis VI25


spaceman wrote:
Moka Disco Express wrote:EDM? what is?
Eclectic Dixieland Musings
I thought it is Euro Drugs Master!

Studio One or Ableton Live would be my choice :)

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