Kontakt 4 - No wallpaper on a script

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Instruments Discussion
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Hi people

How I do for make a specific script remain without wallpaper when the instrument has one set on "Instrument Options" (which is used as GUI for the other scripts on the instrumet) ?



You can't. A wallpaper applies to all script slots. You can only change the part being displayed, use set_skin_offset command. If you set it to a large number, larger than picture height, you will get a black background on given script, which is a kind of a solution.


That's is what it seemed to me. Well, that's definelly some kind of solution; I think that a offset of 5000 would be more than enough for the instruments on the K4 factory or anyother out there. Thanks again for your help Zombie Queen!

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