Ableton Push 1 vs Nektar Panorama P1

Official support for:
Bitwig Studio 5 Push


So I'm looking at dedicated interfaces for Bitwig and these look like the two most interesting/most affordable.

Anyone have any thoughts on either of these? I'd primarily use it to mix/modulate parameters/add plugins etc. I don't know how much I'd use the buttons on the Push 1 for note input.


I have a good deal of experience with Push 1 & 2. With these there's good integration and play-ability. Mix and modulate is handled on a selection basis with Push 2, where Push 1 has parallel control of Volume, Pan & Send (in banks of eight).

I don't have experience with the Panorama P1. Although, I've spoken to their team in the past. I've also looked closely at their materials and I would judge that they have deeper integration with BWS. After all, they have a paid team to do so. Nevertheless, Moss ( ... ush-I-&-II) has done an marvelous job integrating Push 1 & 2 with BWS.

That said, the other most apparent difference between the two controllers is that Push is part instrument (a very good instrument at that) whereas Panorama P1 is a control surface.

Perhaps you might get both eventually! Maybe the question then is which to try first? In my experience thus far, I have been very satisfied (and none lacking) with Push 2. Although, it would be very nice to have a P1 at my fingertips as well!


lunardigs wrote:Mix and modulate is handled on a selection basis with Push 2, where Push 1 has parallel control of Volume, Pan & Send (in banks of eight).
The feature set is the same, only how you enter these modes is different. On Push 2 press the knobs above the display ("Volume", "Pan", "Send X") to enter the 8 bank modes.


I remember a video once where nektar was used to set mod amounts on a polysynth, but I’d never seen if the newer modulator system was controllable with it. I can imagine something similar to tuenvdeio I saw where you load a modulator, click a button that activates the assign mode, and then turn the parameter to set the mod amount.

But I’ve never seen if this was implemented with nektar. Anyone know? Can push do mod assignments?


I have a Push 1 and the highlight for me is how it works perfectly with the BW drum machine. Its like I have a hardware drum sequencer.
You dont get that with a P1. I couldn't live without the Push now.

The only worry I have with the Push is if one day the script stops being supported, its not official after all. I would cry.
Last edited by craigtumps on Wed Apr 11, 2018 9:34 am, edited 2 times in total.
Bitwig since 1.0


Push. The drumsequencer is gold.


is it fairly quick and easy to record clips into the launcher without touching the computer?

also, is there manual or something that shows all the different shortcuts/commands?


zfigz wrote:is it fairly quick and easy to record clips into the launcher without touching the computer?

also, is there manual or something that shows all the different shortcuts/commands? ... ush-I-&-II


craigtumps wrote:The only worry I have with the Push is if one day the script stops being supported, its not official after all. I would cry.
Why do you think an "officially supported" script is supported longer? Lot's of companies ditch product support as soon as the next release is on the market (or don't support it at all)...


moss wrote: Why do you think an "officially supported" script is supported longer? Lot's of companies ditch product support as soon as the next release is on the market (or don't support it at all)...


i'm now on the fence with jumping on a push 2, but will hold back as the functionality looks similar on both. hoping to snag a push 1 for cheap, fingers crossed.

any further input would be greatly appreciated.


moss wrote:
lunardigs wrote:Mix and modulate is handled on a selection basis with Push 2, where Push 1 has parallel control of Volume, Pan & Send (in banks of eight).
The feature set is the same, only how you enter these modes is different. On Push 2 press the knobs above the display ("Volume", "Pan", "Send X") to enter the 8 bank modes.
Ahh ... I'm very glad you pointed this out, moss. Thank you for adding this detail! Much appreciated! :tu:

Btw, I see something that may be a bug. When using this 'parallel parameters' mode, I see the Sends are enumerated in banks of four. However, the fourth Send (per bank) is seemingly blocked by the "Up" label/function. Even still, "Up" works as expected within a nested view; I simply can't access the fourth Send here.



lunardigs wrote: Btw, I see something that may be a bug. When using this 'parallel parameters' mode, I see the Sends are enumerated in banks of four. However, the fourth Send (per bank) is seemingly blocked by the "Up" label/function. Even still, "Up" works as expected within a nested view; I simply can't access the fourth Send here.
It is not a bug more like a compromise. :-) You can still use the knob in case you have not noticed but you are right, you cannot enter the 8 mode. Maybe I will but this on a shift combination.


moss wrote:
craigtumps wrote:The only worry I have with the Push is if one day the script stops being supported, its not official after all. I would cry.
Why do you think an "officially supported" script is supported longer? Lot's of companies ditch product support as soon as the next release is on the market (or don't support it at all)...
I meant more if it was officially supported by Bitwig instead of created by a 3rd party. There is of course this risk.
Bitwig since 1.0


So what about mod assignments? Nektar did it before the new mod system, wondering if it still does. That would be pretty huge. Push can't do that right?

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