Diva Issue - Certain Arpeggiator Presets Broken [Extremely Fast Note Playback]

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I just purchased the u-he Diva and really love the synth overall, has so many great features and some awesome sound capabilities.

However, I've noticed that multiple of the arpeggiator presets appear to break once I actually record notes inside my DAW (Mixcraft 9).

Take the preset, "HS Autodance", in folder "6 RHYTHMIC" for example - when I'm playing on my keyboard before recording, it maintains a normal sync'd rhythm for arp notes. But when I record, and subsequently playback recorded audio, it plays at an insanely fast rate, way faster than my tempo and sync settings are set at.

I've tried moving the clock down to be the slowest (1/4) and even changing my BPM in my DAW to be 50bpm, and there is essentially no change whatsoever to the sound - so I'm pretty sure this is a bug.

Anyone else experience this and know what I can do to fix it? I would love to be able to use any preset to record and not have to worry about if its broken...

- Corrtex


Hi Corrtex,

could you send us your project file to support[at]u-he.com please? We'd need to take a look at your project file, then we know more.



Hi Viktor,

Sorry for the delayed response! I got a bit busy with other things.

Yes, I have just sent a super simple project file with only 1 problem MIDI track, with a preset selected where the issue is occurring.

Thanks so much!

- William


Hey Everyone,

Viktor helped me solve this issue - whatever the problem was, it seems to be a Mixcraft 9 specific bug. Upgrading to Mixcraft 10 fixed it for me - if you are encountering the same problem on MX9 but don't want to upgrade, I would suggest opening a ticket with Acoustica, since the problem is definitely on their end. :)


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