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1954 Baldwin Parlor Grand - Whole Sounds will swap a 45% discount for your submitted music

September 30, 2018
Whole Sounds

Create some music with the demo version of the Whole Sounds 1954 Baldwin Parlor Grand, send that music to Whole Sounds, and Whole Sounds will send you a 45% discount code for the purchase of the full version of the piano.

It doesn't matter if the piece is long or short, simple or complex - any submission will earn the discount. But if the contribution is judged to be good enough, your music will be featured on the Whole Sounds' "listen" page.

Send an email to submit@wholesounds.com with two attachments - the .MIDI file and the piano's scene preset file (.scenepreset) - and you'll receive a unique 45% discount code to be used at www.wholesounds.com.



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