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denise releases Dragon Fire - Compressor Plug-in


denise has released Dragon Fire, a new compressor plug-in for macOS and Windows.

denise says:

Dragon Fire introduces tonal compression: a new and easier way to tame and color the dynamic of your tracks. On top of that, our Shape technology allows you to finely sculpt the flavor and behaviour of the compressor algorithm. Out of the box the Dragon Fire offers many classic compressor types, but you can go next level and design your own compressor style. Go from vintage to transparent and finally create that OPTO style compressor with a hard knee, a touch of VCA punch, and add some transformer flavor on top.


denise continues:

To tame your track dynamics, Dragon Fire offers a new approach that has the ease of use of an equalizer with its push-pull graph. Flavoring your sound and cutting through the mix has never been easier. Speed up your workflow and add creativity and fun to your production process while keeping your ears fresh, creative and healthy.

Dragon Fire with its Shape technology offers multiple creative features to finely sculpt the flavor and behaviour of the compressor algorithm itself. Go from vintage to transparent and anything in between:

  • Unique RMS and Knee functions to soften the compression sound.
  • Interpolate between a fast and slow release curve for an 'optic' style response.
  • Adaptive saturation: Like an old tube compressor, the more you push a signal the more it gets saturated.

Besides its Shape features it offers a:

  • Push-pull graph: An easy-to-use, eq-style graph to control how the compressor reacts to different frequency ranges and smartly shaping the track's tonal balance with the pull dial.
  • Easy switch to use the compressor in classic mode as a single band compressor.
  • Transparent clipper: Use it heavily to add extra dirt and saturation.
  • Comes with creative and classic compressor styles presets including instruments like guitars, bass, vocals & drums.

Dragon Fire is offered for a limited time at 50% off. Instead of €82/$99, get it for €40.50/£36/$49.90 (€49 incl. VAT). A free trial and plenty of examples are available at www.denise.io



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