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Generalmusic releases Elka Panther VST/AU Plug-in


Generalmusic has announced that the Elka Panther Organ VST/AU audio plugin is now available for purchase and download at bringelkaback.com.

The Elka Panther 300, also known as the Capri, is a classic Italian combo organ of the 60s. The instrument produces bold, rich organ sounds and has a wide range of tonal variations (13).

The Elka Panther plug-in is based on physical modeling (no samples inside) of a vintage Elka Panther 300 organ. The modeling of the rare LEM Echo Music tape delay enlarge original organ sound with reverberation and echo. Even the wow and flutter characteristics are audible in this authentic tape delay modeling. This plug-in includes a separate Elka Panther 100 modeling. It expands the sounds of the plug-in more expressiveness and emotional impact. A certain amount of noise belongs to the sound of vintage instruments. To achieve this original sound and authentic vibe, that noise has been modeled and the level of that noise can be adjusted. Several other expanded or additional features are included in this plug-in. More info in the User Manual.

Intro Price: $115 / €99 (Reg. $173.50 / €149) at www.bringelkaback.com

More info, downloadable demo version and sound demos at www.martinic.com/products/elka-panther





Discussion: Active
19 October 2018 at 8:26am

Thanks to all beta testers for your efforts.

We promised 3 free licences as a giveaway.

and the winners are:

1) pekbro.

2) koshdukai.

3) B Buscareno.

One free licence and vintage Elka bag goes to.

Aca Veco.



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