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JUCE launches "JUCE 4: Grapefruit JUCE" and introduces the ICE Engine, a real-time compilation environment for the audio industry and beyond


Jules Storer and the JUCE team have announced the release of a powerful new version of JUCE, the C++ framework for audio applications. JUCE 4: Grapefruit JUCE succeeds JUCE 3. Building on over a decade of work by Jules Storer, Grapefruit JUCE provides precision-crafted building blocks for any application in audio or beyond that requires intuitive user interfaces, real-time processing, and cross-platform compatibility.

This announcement comes as the JUCE team prepare to host the first JUCE Summit in London on November 19-20. The JUCE Summit will gather leading C++ audio developers and feature talks by Pete Goodliffe (Akai), David Zicarelli (Cycling'74) and Don Turner (Google), as well as collaborative workshops about JUCE, Android Pro Audio, the Projucer and more.

Grapefruit JUCE, featuring the new ICE Engine and Projucer, will help faster development of apps on all platforms. The ICE ('Instant Compilation Environment') Engine is a toolchain that allows programmers to compile C++ in real time. The Projucer is a project management tool that integrates the ICE Engine and facilitates rapid development and cross-platform deployment.

Grapefruit JUCE is also the first cross-platform tool to support Android Pro Audio. This follows several months of collaboration between the Android team and JUCE team to optimize JUCE code deployment on Android devices. Audio apps built with JUCE will now run at low latencies on select Android phones including Nexus 9, 5X, and 6P.

Introduced alongside Grapefruit JUCE is a new, per-seat-based licensing model, designed to better support developers with faster support responses and instant access to bug fixes and weekly updates.

Jules Storer commented: "We're really proud to be launching a significant new version of JUCE. Grapefruit JUCE is a huge benchmark for the framework and the community because it celebrates the transition from a one-man enterprise to a team of rock-star developers."

Roland Lamb, founder and CEO of ROLI, which acquired JUCE last year, said: "JUCE is instrumental to ROLI's emerging suite of software for music creation. The release of Grapefruit JUCE signifies a major milestone for JUCE as well as the expansion of the framework to a wider audience, and it's great to be finally unveiling some amazing new features that have been under development for months."

JUCE remains an open source framework that can be used freely for non-commercial applications and education.



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