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monstrumMedia releases monstrumRocket - Waldorf Rocket Editor (Win, Mac & Lin)

Monstrum Media

monstrumMedia has released monstrumRocket, a new software editor for the Waldorf's Rocket hardware synthesizer, for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

This software editor gives you every control parameter on the synth in addition to a few others only accessible via MIDI. In addition to all the parameters you have access to on the actual Rocket, this editor also gives you a hold button, Vibrato Modulator, Local on/off, reset all, all notes off, MIDI panic as well as an XY surface to modulate two parameters at once.

An added feature gives you the ability to store and load programs to and from your computer's hard drive. This is a massive feature add for this synth which otherwise has no assignable memory and no way to save or load sounds you design. Expect to see new features built into this editor in the next few weeks and months.

Price: $9.99.



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