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nu desine updates free AlphaLive (AlphaSphere software) to v1.3.0

nu desine

nu desine has announced that AlphaLive version 1.3.0 is now available.

New Features:

  • LED Control and Configuration - The RGB LED inside the AlphaSphere can now be completely customised - change the colour/brightness, make it flash in sync to AlphaLive's clock or an external MIDI Clock, as well as create completely custom colour changes and animations using external MIDI CC messages.
  • MIDI Dynamic Channel Mode - This feature allows individual MIDI channels to be dynamically applied to each pressed MIDI pad, allowing for completely polyphonic modulation of notes within software that doesn't support poly aftertouch.
  • Pressure-Latch Mode - This feature allows a user to 'latch/freeze' the pressure value of a pad, enabling the pads on the AlphaSphere to act more like standard dials or sliders.
  • MIDI Clock Support - AlphaLive and the AlphaSphere can now both send and receive MIDI Clock messages, allowing for full synchronisation with DAW and MIDI software.

For a full list of new features and changes, go to the AlphaLive Version History page.



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