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ToTc Productions updates Minimal for VB-1 and TCS for CS-40

ToTc Productions

ToTc Productions has released version 1.1 updates of their free Minimal and TCS soundsets for Steinberg's VB-1 and CS-40 respectively.

Minimal for VB-1 changes:

  • Modified the Damper setting in preset number 2, "Smooth", to assure smoother transitions from one note to another.
  • Modified the Shaper setting in preset number 3, "Bottled Bass", to give the sound a bit more tone, while maintaining a hollow quality.
  • Very slightly altered the Pick position on preset number 4, "Saw Bass", in an attempt to reduce the Clicking sound on it's attack. Was successful enough to keep the change.
  • Modified the Damper control on preset number 5, "Loose Strings", to add a "Looser" feeling to the sound.
  • Modified the Shaper control on presets number 12, "Plain Bass", and 16, "Pressure", to eliminate the "Click" sound evident on the initial attack of each note.

TCS for CS-40 changes:

  • Due to the low output volume of the CS-40, increased all of the presets' volume level's to the maximum value.
  • Fine tuned preset number 2, "Bell's Tears", by lowering the resonance and lightly adjusting the envelopes. This action has made the sound less harsh on the high frequencies and given it a more rounded tone.
  • Shortened the release time on the VCA envelope of preset number 4, "CS40 Keys 1". This keeps a realistic release while reducing the amount of voices that blend into each other.
  • Changed the filter cutoff, resonance, and VCF envelopes on preset number 8, "CS40 Keys 2", to give it a more "Harpsichord-Like" sound.
  • Slightly altered the VCF envelope settings for preset number 15, "MonoKey", to remove the not-so-appealing filter "Thwack" that was previously present in the sound.


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