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UplandToys releases BallSequencer v1.0.1


UplandToys has released BallSequencer, a free experimental sequencer VSTi plug-in for Windows.

BallSequencer is based around the idea of MIDI notes generated by balls moving around inside a rectangular area. Notes are triggered whenever a ball collides with the boundary of the rectangle. You can set parameters that will control the movement of each ball, in addition to possible note and velocity values. It can be effective for quickly generating percussive or melodic patterns.

You can have 1-6 balls bouncing around in the rectangle at any time, each ball has it's own horizontal parameter strip, and an associated color.

For those that grabbed v1.0 here are the changes in v1.0.1:

  • Fixed: Output MIDI channel was always offset by 1, so that MIDI channel 1 actually transmitted on channel 2 and so on. This explains why some VSTi's wouldn't produce output when triggered by BallSequencer.
  • Fixed: Room size could be set all the way down to zero, causing some hosts to crash.


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