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Wasted Audio releases M3NGLR - Multi-Band distortion for macOS, Windows and Linux

Wasted Audio

Wasted Audio has released M3NGLR for macOS, Windows and Linux in VST2, VST3, CLAP, and LV2.

This effect plugin is a combination of Wasted Audio's 3Q and MANGLR plugins for some triple band distortion action.

It consists of 3 different distorting effects. Namely the CRSHR, which does bit reduction. The FLDR, a wave folder. And the SMTHR, a soft-clipping overdrive.

The order of these 3 wave-mangling stages can be set at will, creating some wildly different sound distorting effects.

At the end of this distortion chain there is an automated limiter, that will try to keep things within the RMS level of your input signal. Or you can control the gain manually if you want.

Price: $19.98 or until November 28th at a discount of up to 50% off.



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