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Tricent mk III

Full Version or Demo Download Links for Tricent mk III

Download Tricent mk III for Windows from fullbucket.de
Download Tricent mk III for macOS from fullbucket.de

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Kraftraum - Rotation 32 (Nachtstadt)
Hier habe ich alle Presets die ich in der 32. Rotation verwendet habe, zusammen getragen.
Für einige Presets habe ich Trancegate verwendet da sie so rythmischer klingen :)
Den Track findet ihr unter

Viel Spass beim verwenden und Musik erstellen :)


Here are all presets i use in my 31th Rotation track.
For a few presets i use a trancegate as fx to make the sounds rythmic :)
You find the track under

Enjoy the presets and have fun in creating tracks :)


Kraftraum in 05.2021
Init Bank for Tricent MK III
for Tricent mk III [Show all for]
by dover666 [Show all by] on 16 May 2020
Downloaded: 231 times
An empty preset bank. To start from scratch.
Bank for Tricent mk 3
for Tricent mk III [Show all for]
by jeff51 [Show all by] on 28 February 2020
Downloaded: 415 times
32 presets ( modif. and news ) Nice synth ! - https://musicien25.wixsite.com/synthpreset
for Tricent mk III [Show all for]
by rockingricky [Show all by] on 26 February 2020
Downloaded: 378 timesFull Bucket Tricent
Some presets for the Tricent, which may useful for someone. Partly made from init sound, partly tweaked factory sounds ...

Comments & Discussion for Full Bucket Music Tricent mk III

Discussion: Active
24 February 2020 at 4:42pm

Hallo Björn, .

cooler neuer Synth und bereits mit jeder Menge Sounds bestückt ...

Hab die Win7 64-bit Version in Cubase und bei mir funktioniert der Flanger nicht ...

oder mach ich was falsch?

oder ist er so subtil?


Erich Schubert aka Rockingricky.

25 February 2020 at 12:48pm

Wow, what a great addition to the FB collection of synths. The Tricent mk III sounds wonderful, lots of warm analog goodness and great presets too.

Thank you Björn.


26 February 2020 at 12:20pm

Ok, my fault :-(.

Flanger works fine.

But another question:

Because you very often built KORG synths. What about the 800DV or also called MaxiKorg?

The only hardware synth I ever played (40 years ago).



26 February 2020 at 11:05pm

A truly great synth, and it is free!!! One of the best from Bucket this time. Tons of tweek possibilities and many great presets as starting points. Can compete with many "lots of dollars" synths. I have a bunch of those too, however this free synth impresses. A huge thx.

3 March 2020 at 9:02pm

Great synth thank you fot what you do. Would you please consider oversampling? Try for example program 22 in Tricent III. There is pretty bad aliasing. :(If I switch for example to 196kHz sampling rate than chirping disaperares "completely. I think all of your synths would greatly benefit from oversampling. See for example explanation here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jCwIsT0X8M

Thank you for considering this feature.

12 April 2020 at 12:00pm

Hello all together, .

i am testing the synth ... great.

What actually started with a demo track for a few sounds has now become a full piece of music that you find in my Soundcloud page:


I created all presets themselves from scratch. I give them Björn for exclusive publication on his webpage www.fullbucket.de/music/tricent.html.

Have fun and a great easter weekend:).


Make it or break it.

10 June 2020 at 5:19am

hi Kraftraum, thx a lot for presets .

Where do I have to put them on Mac?

thx in advance, .


13 June 2020 at 11:39am

Sorry, but i have no mac so i can't tell you where to put them :(.

Take a look into the manual, page 10. With the Options Menu that is a description how you can load programs. On my Windows PC i can load the Presets from everywhere on my harddrive, so i hope this also works on the Mac.

Have a nice day.


17 June 2020 at 1:33pm

thx, kraftraum, Rundrum.

13 June 2020 at 2:09pm

Some synths are made with an onboard browser that lets you access 3. party presets directly in that browser. Other synths (and this is often the case with less costly synths and free ones) you need to place the presets "somewhere" and access by loading the preset bank or the preset itself from the "load" system.

On my MAC I create a folder with the Synth deveopers name in the Preset folder (HD/Library/Audio/Presets) and then another folder in that deveopers folder with the name of the synth, like "Tricent", and place the presets or banks in there. Then when using the synth you need to navigate to that created folder (by using the "load" function in the synth), to find your presets or banks. This is of course more cumbersome than having the presets show in a synth browsere, but at least you get to load them - most of the time. But, Note that some amateur created banks or presets will never show. Just forget about them. They are most surely crap anyway. Just go on with another properly programmed preset or bank, stay happy.

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