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Bitwig Studio 5

Sequencer / Multitrack by Bitwig
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Bitwig Studio 5 has an average user rating of 4.26 from 19 reviews

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User Reviews by KVR Members for Bitwig Studio 5

Bitwig Studio 5

Reviewed By tommyzai [all]
May 7th, 2014
Version reviewed: 1.0.8 on Mac

*Disclaimer: I'm a songwriter, producer, and educator. My writing style may read like a billboard ad, but my user review is sincere and authentic. I only appraise a product I consider extraordinary, hence the high rating. I don't work for the developer. In fact, I rarely work at all. :-) I hope you find my review useful. — Tommy Zai


Bitwig Studio is a slick new DAW that effectively combines the best features of linear and live-based music production software. It's still a baby at v1, but I'm sure it won't be long before we can call it "full-featured." It boasts a fresh, new coding and has a clean interface that is user friendly and doesn't get in the way of creativity. The inspector is very intelligent and neatly designed. It has three main views (arrangement, mixer, and edit). Experienced eMusic trackers will feel right at home with the relationship between arrange and mix (clip) page, which can appear on the same page or may be toggled between. The relationship between these two views is really tight. The edit view is where you can alter MIDI clips and edit audio. The mixer is easy to configure and is responsive. During my demoing, I discovered all the usual DAW stuff and some pleasant surprises along the way. Bitwig Studio offers many basic workstation features; however, its real strength is in music creation.


  • Streamlined application footprint at 300MB.
  • Clean interface and fast, but detailed workflow — looks and feels nice.
  • Fast loading time and library scan with crash prevention when plugins fail (kept safely and conveniently in individual containers).
  • Effective browser and sample clip management.
  • Single clips can host multiple audio files, which is great for loop manipulation.
  • Clip animation during selection.
  • View options play nice together.
  • Histogram to illustrate parameter changes in real time.
  • "Hybrid" tracks allows users to bounce sections of a MIDI instrument track to audio — very cool.
  • Global modulation.
  • Assignable LFOs to set up modulation intensity.
  • Global overdubs.
  • Layered MIDI editing for simultaneous multiple tweaking.
  • Jack support.
  • Automation.
  • Responsive channel strips and VU meters.
  • Extremely stable considering it's a v1 release.
  • Open API enable scripting options.
  • Innovative, energetic developer.


  • Track grouping would be a nice feature.
  • Rewire would be a nice feature.
  • Wish it had a scalable, customizable GUI color scheme option.
  • I heard there might be some sort of internet collaboration coming soon.
  • Using this DAW did not scare away my muse.


Bitwig Studio is a dream DAW for any eMusician, producer, DJ, etc., who yearns for a hybrid platform that falls somewhere between the likes of Logic/Cubase and Live — leaning a bit more towards the latter. Bitwig Studio effectively bridges that gap and adds much, more. It does a great job of enabling and inspiring creativity without sucking the life out of it. This DAW is clearly, "Designed by musicians, for musicians." Although this might not be the workstation choice for dedicated old-time, linear chaps, it will certainly appeal to those who are comfy working in a hybrid, loop/clip-based environment. Tommy Zai gives Bitwig Studio two thumbs up. Thank you Bitwig, for creating such a groovy, new DAW. One can only imagine the power packed by later versions.

*I'm sure later updates will bump my rating up and over 10.

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Comments & Discussion for Bitwig Bitwig Studio 5

Discussion: Active
19 January 2012 at 8:43pm

This looks exciting! MAybe it will be the new king in town?

29 January 2012 at 4:09am

This does look like something I might buy! I can't wait to see how this program progresses!

Bill H.
Bill H.
30 January 2012 at 10:08am

Has anyone tried contacted them? I asked them (politely :) ) a few questions about sound quality and stability, no answer after more than a week.. :(

3 February 2012 at 3:45pm

Looks alot like Ableton Live... Interesting.

22 April 2017 at 3:07pm


9 February 2012 at 5:40pm

looks like something that the linux audio production world has been waiting for a long time. Interesting.

30 April 2012 at 4:43pm

still waiting for the Beta. I suggested a few features they should definitely have. Fingers crossed!

22 April 2017 at 3:07pm


5 June 2012 at 8:55am

Any news?

11 October 2012 at 2:44pm

Seeing as there is to be a Linux version can anyone confirm Bitwig will support JACK?

I wonder if those who signed up as beta testers and got chosen had to agree to an NDA?

11 October 2012 at 2:57pm

Yes it does support JACK.

22 April 2017 at 3:07pm



30 October 2016 at 2:34am

I have been pretty vocal about some of the crashes but they are quick to make things right. It has the best workflow I have experienced, very intuitive for me. It's worth sticking with if you want bleeding-edge features. Don't read into forum feedback too much, it is pretty solid overall. Adobe Creative Cloud stuff crashes from time to time too, and they are generally well-regarded as being stable and mature.

3 November 2016 at 4:12am

No legato clip mode. (http://answers.bitwig.com/questions/271/legato-clip-launch-mode?page=1#7487)

Touch mode is just for show, not for work as it misses a lot of critical functionality. (http://answers.bitwig.com/questions/6493/touch-screen-suggestions-tablet-mode?page=1#6501)

But finally this is a great product, with a lot of cool features comparing to ableton.

Mickey keys
Mickey keys
22 January 2017 at 7:40pm

Please we need a paint tool in the piano roll of BWS...... Its really important for drum sequencing... I think that's a big missing tool in BWS.... Especially considering hiphop trap producers that are many in this new age...

22 April 2017 at 3:08pm


22 January 2017 at 8:38pm

And I would love some sort of "auto-tune" for audio. I love BWS but when recording certain instruments I have to bounce the track to a file, move it into Logic on another computer, apply appropirat tuning, bounce that down to a new file and import that file into my Bitwig project. Takes a few extra minutes with a USB stick handy, but as I said it would be really great to do everything inside Bitwig.

11 March 2017 at 11:19am

I am sure you heared that before, but what about playing/singing the part in the desired tune in the first place?

BW2 also has a pitch shifter device added, that may help you with importing material...

10 August 2017 at 3:29pm

I could not make it work in Fedora. I installed the JRE, I activated it as standard Java application, I did everything (apparently) correct. When I call it via terminal or via shortcut, it opens only the splash and nothing else ...

27 October 2017 at 9:39pm

foooking great!!!!!!.

31 December 2017 at 12:41am

It's almost 2018 and Bitwig can't change time signature by events, which is a pretty basic thing for any DAW. I really like everything, but this one thing makes Bitwig useless for me.


13 May 2020 at 10:47pm

Good day folks, .

I wanted to contribute some Bitwig presets that I've been putting together to learn the software, and play around. It's on a blog with blogspot. Thanks for checking it out. I hope you find some things you can use. Any suggestions or links to your own presets or tutorials are appreciated.

Bitwig Presets

27 November 2022 at 8:33pm

I own it and love some of the features – especially native Linux support is pretty wild and makes it somewhat unique.

But working with music that does not follow a consistent, pre-defined tempo currently really is pain in the ass with that software. You have to create tempo maps manually, like an architect or programmer constructing everything on paper. This is not fun, and results are not the best – this is not how musicianship works. Being an Ableton competitor, I somehow expected it to have at least something in the direction of the tempo follower feature. This was a mistake, it doesn't offer anything like that. Not even a feature to help with creating tempo maps after recording something, let alone something that works with performing live.

I still keep Bitwig to fiddle around with it, as I really like it, but I won't invest into buying updates until it offers at an automatic tempo map creator, or at least some sort of workflow that makes it easier to create them manually.

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