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Clone Boy

Spectral Cloner Plugin by Elevayta

Clone Boy has an average user rating of 5.00 from 1 review

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User Reviews by KVR Members for Clone Boy

Clone Boy

Reviewed By Motion [all]
June 29th, 2004
Version reviewed: 1.0.7 on Windows

Clone Boy has been about for just a short time now.The Gui is very functional,everything is nicely laid out across 2 pages which consist of the main controls and the clone scope page,each of which use a mixture of sliders and buttons,the spectral windows give very good visual feedback.Overall the Gui is both attractive and at times visually quite hypnotic.

Now the sound!!...this is what this little beauty is all about.After using the clone for a few months now I have increasingly become quite enamoured by the sound and creative power of this little sonic gem.By imposing the spectral shape of one sound upon the other you will get the most fabulous spectral squashes,squeezes,squelches and smears,depending on your material.
Describing the Clone Boys sound...well think of it like this...the resulting sound being related to the original source but different,what you get is this hybrid fused sound which can deliver many unique,creative and useful sounds.With drum loops you can obtain some of the fattest,hardest,sharpest sonics.There are many other sounds from cross breeding the rhythmics of melodies and chords.

Using the Clone gain,window,mask,freeze,smooth and threshold functions in conjunction with the receive,transmit and clone buttons allow you to radically or subtley alter the "sound shape",there are many variations to be had with these controls whether it be on whole tracks,loops or samples.
Midi automation is not implemented at this time but the Clone will respond to host automation providing you with even more twisting power.Whilst you can be quite directive with the Clone,experimentation is both rewarding and a lot of fun.You can also use it as a single instance.Clone Boy does more than it says on the tin in a quick and easy way without the hassle and complexity of doing this sort of thing by other means.

The documentation is succinct,well written,straight forward and to the point,providing you with what you need to know.

Presets are not required,it's roll your own because the sound will be radically different depending on your source material.You can save and recall setups matched to known material if you want to use it this way.

Paul at Elevayta is responsive,helpful and very informative.He is easily as good as the best devs here at KVR with support.

The asking price for this is farcical given what I know and get out of this plug.Do not be misled by the low asking price.Clone Boy 1.07 is a thoroughly professional plug,as is its other 2 bretheren,the Wide Boy and Freq Boy.

Clone Boy behaved well.I experienced no crashes in Ableton,Pro5,Logic,Sonar or Traction.

For the creative sound hound,experimentalist,DJ or others.Clone Boy is a dirty dark secret...well not any more because now you know.Jamming or tracking live with the clone can yield very musical results because of the way it provides similar variations but being seemingly different but at the same time retains a sense of continuity.Very Potent stuff indeed.
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