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Crave EQ has an average user rating of 5.00 from 2 reviews

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User Reviews by KVR Members for Crave EQ

Crave EQ

Reviewed By dissofiddle [all]
March 22nd, 2021
Version reviewed: 2.0.30 on Windows

I am wondering why this plugin is not more popular....

I was looking for a general purpose EQ with the following features :

- High quality sound (transparent EQ, no aliasing, handling natural/analog phase around nyquist).

- Low CPU.

- automatic gain compensation.

- Convenient to use.

- cheap (less than 100 euros).

When you want all these features, there are not much options :

- TDR NOVA, hotnet total EQ and Acon Equalize are heavy on CPU.

- DDMF IIEQ and DMF Equick have a buggy GUI on my computer.

- Melda EQ, KiloHeart CarveEQ, VOxengo EQs, toonebooster equlize have cluttered gui and feels a pain to use.
I still prefer using my DAW stock EQ than these....

- PRO Q, Equilibrium and other "premium EQ" feels too expensive.

In the end, I think craveEQ fits all my needs and even more .

It really sounds amazing, is really transparent and is impressively light on CPU. I found no bugs until now.

and is almost as convenient to use as ProQ 3.
Also, it has some very interesting phase modes :

- Analog phase : which handle the phase like an analog EQ, that is without messing up with the phase around nyquist frequency.

- Linear phase : which is a nice option to have.

- Transparent phase : which is a genius crossover of analog phase (in the low part of the spectrum) and linear phase (in the high part of the spectrum). Indeed a pure linear phase mode tends to add a lot of pre-ringing, in the lows. So this modes allows you to maximize transparency .

- Digital phase : which is the worse sounding mode But is also latency free, which is ideal when used in a software that doesn't have latency compensation (maschine or else).

It is the best for the money, really.

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