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CX1-Mastering Compressor

Mastering Plugin by NTS Audio
CX1-Mastering Compressor
CX1-Mastering Compressor by NTS Audio is a Virtual Effect Audio Plugin and a Software Application for Windows. It functions as a VST Plugin and a Standalone Application.
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The CX1-Mastering Compressor is a must have tool for dance music producers when they go to mastering their music. Solitally half of world producers prefer a single band mastering compressor to any kind of multiband compressors or limiters. This because single band compressor do the job without compromising the original equalization that can be made directly when was in the production or post-production stage. We programmed a state of the art 'look-ahead' compressor with sidechain hpf filter and a cool internal mixer where you can mix trought low/high frequencies as well as dry and wet signal. Due to the internal mixer is possible to make a 'parallel compression' directly from the plugin. Parallel compression is one of the most used techniques with digital music industry and solitally need 2 separate channels of your DAW, one for the dry version and one for the compressed version to be mixex manually. As our mastering compressor utilize a 2x IIR oversampling technique we utilized 2 separate compressors, one for each stereo channel.The sound of our mastering compressor is simpy huge.

With this compressor is possible to add loudness to any track, pump up and cristallize the kickdrum in your mix, compress only the frequency range after the sidechain filter leaving the low frequencies unaltered, pum up and enrich any incoming sound material, enanching your track groove and many other usefull tricks.


-2x IIR Oversample Audio Processing.

-2 Compressors, 1 for Each Stereo Channel.

-Parallel Compression via Internal Mixer.

-Sidechain HPF.

-Volume Maximizer.

-Input Level Adjustable.

-In-Out Level Meters.

-Gain Reduction Level Meters.

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