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ExtraNotes has an average user rating of 3.00 from 2 reviews

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User Reviews by KVR Members for ExtraNotes


Reviewed By marco13 [all]
January 6th, 2020
Version reviewed: 3.0.0 on Mac

I have just migrated from. LPX to BitWig.... I am very happy... BUT, I use notes very much, and n LPX they are part of the software, I can have notes in each tack header, in the track itself (rich text also... with images and all that...), and also one in the project's window.... so there is a lot of capabilities. BitWig is limited to only type in the scenes header.....

With this plugin "ExtraNotes", I am back on track making a better workflow........

4 stars because there is much room for improvement, but for me, right now this VST resolved me a lot. (why are notes so important for me? I constantly reuse sets and specific considerations for settings, tracks, etc.... and sometimes, from years before.... so the notes, save me a lot of time because I don't have to reverse-engineer something....).

To me this app added a lot of value. Thanks to Teragon Audio.

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