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Freeverb3_vst has an average user rating of 5.00 from 1 review

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User Reviews by KVR Members for Freeverb3_vst


Reviewed By digitalboytn [all]
August 17th, 2015
Version reviewed: 7 x64 on Windows

I feel privileged to write the first review for Freeverb3 here on KVR....

I have had this one lying around for a while, but it is only recently that I have opened it up and really started to explore the potential that it offers and quite frankly, I am blown away...

I have a few high quality reverbs in the toolbox, but Freeverb3 is my preference over many of those ones now...

There are a few starting templates and then it's just a matter of digging in and tweaking the parameters because it's not instant karma here ...

I found the information and the links on the Freeverb site very rewarding and it helped me to understand a few things a little more clearly with greater perspective...

As many of us know, there is a great deal of BS in the plugin world and many people listen with their eyes - drawn in by the sexy GUI's with the photo realistic images.

After all - if it looks like a pig - it must be a pig.....Right ?

Well...the GUI of this plugin is 2 dimensional and quite plain, but all of the parameters are there and the bottom line is always going to be the sound quality anyway...

That's where Freeverb 3 steps up to the plate and hits many of the other guys with their boutique GUI's right out of the ballpark :)

I have mainly used this plugin on lead vocals and strings - two very important elements in the scheme of things - and it has been a winner every time....

It's hard to explain in words just exactly how it sounds, other than to say that it sounds "natural" and that the parts sit perfectly in the soundscape...

Talk is cheap and words can't really describe how wonderful this plugin is, so do yourself a favour and give it a whirl...

But make sure that you close your eyes and listen ...

Because with Freeverb3, it's all about the sound and it sounds funking great :)

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Comments & Discussion for Teru Kamogashira Freeverb3_vst

Discussion: Active
19 August 2015 at 2:00am

some very good lexicon algo's in there :)

20 August 2015 at 2:34am

There's a lot more than just the Lexicon algorithms inside FreeVerb...It's a treasure chest for reverb hunters :)

8 February 2024 at 12:10pm

Seems like the download site is down :/ Not even Wayback Machine could help me. Does anyone still have the latest Win x64 VST binaries on hand?

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