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GTune has an average user rating of 4.75 from 4 reviews

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User Reviews by KVR Members for GTune


Reviewed By Mark Wilkins [all]
January 5th, 2022
Version reviewed: 1.0 on Windows

though I have a few tuners I seem to use this one more than all of the rest combined. I like the bold face.

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Comments & Discussion for GVST GTune

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16 September 2019 at 7:22pm

is the GUI resizable/stretchable?

i'm looking for alternative to built-in Ableton Live tuner that I can visualize full screen.


P.S. been meaning to ask this for a long time... does anyone still have LMC-1 by SSL? You can't download it anymore, and, although I had the original (free) exe pack, the DAW refuses to scan it...

16 September 2019 at 10:25pm

The biggest that I know is MTuner from MeldaProduction.

It is resizable as big as you want.

It is an element of the free effects bundle.

You just have to download the full bundle here (choose the last version and mirror 1) and install the bundle. When installing, you will choose "MFreeFXBundle" to avoid to install the payware plugins. Hence only the free plugins will be installed, including the MTuner. That's all. There is gang screen when you open it (simply to suggest a donation) but all these tools from the MFreeFXBundle are totally free and fully functional forever.

This MTuner is certainly the best tuner you will find.

17 January 2021 at 7:32pm

Do you still require the SSL LMC-1, as I've just recovered it from an old external HD? If so, let me know and I'll get it to you somehow.

19 January 2021 at 4:31am

As I've stated, I have the installation and the DLL. The DAW ignores it. It's not that much big of a deal, but thanks anyway. I was simply intriguied by this quirk. It's a proper vst, it's in the right folder, and it is the only plug-in not loading. As it is removed from the SSL website, I suspect something weird going on.

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