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Synth (Analogue / Subtractive) Plugin by Andreas Ersson
No Longer Available

Iblit has an average user rating of 3.88 from 8 reviews

Rate & Review Iblit

User Reviews by KVR Members for Iblit


Reviewed By progfusion74 [all]
January 16th, 2003
Version reviewed: 1.0 on Windows

This synth was a pleasant surprise. When I read the feature list, I pretty much ignored it, since it did not seem to offer anything new, but after hearing people talk about it, I downloaded this beast. Wow. Simple interface, but extremely function, this is a monosynth, which has one great asset. The way it sounds!!! IBlit sounds extremely warm and mmmm, vintage. It also complements the more "in your face" character of Triangle I and II perfectly and is currently my preferred synth for analog-style basslines. The presets provide a very good idea of the way the synth can be used. I have not had to use the documentation or customer service, since I have not had the need to, as Iblit is about as intuitive a synth as it gets. Everything is neatly laid out, and easy to understand. The portamento is sweet, as are the filters. As funky mentioned, there seems to be no hint of aliasing.

The one big negative is a lack of MIDI control. This synth would really do well with MIDI learn.

If you haven't, try Iblit out. It is really worth the time.
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Comments & Discussion for Andreas Ersson Iblit

Discussion: Active
17 January 2014 at 5:40pm

Now you will find it here in my DepositFiles space where I put some freeware (and exclusively freeware) VSTs that have disappeared from the web, their original website being discontinued :


Big Busker
Big Busker
3 March 2016 at 3:27am

Thank you BlackWinny. I just d/l'ed the Andreas Ersson pack! Iblit was recommended to me, and now I can have some fun.

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