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LFO Filter Free has an average user rating of 4.00 from 1 review

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User Reviews by KVR Members for LFO Filter Free

LFO Filter Free

Reviewed By Muff Wiggler [all]
October 28th, 2003
Version reviewed: 1.1 on Windows

Topaz's LFO Filter is kickass...I can't believe that more people don't talk about it when discussing filter plugins...especially when you consider the price. In my opinion this one (along with all of Topaz's stuff) shows how much SynthEdit creations can truly shine when put together by the right people....

Featuring a lovely GUI from KlangLabs, this filter has a very clean and precise sound, and is perfect for creating 'underwater' ambience, resonant squeltches, or lovely sweeps.... in fact my favorite thing about it is how easy it is to dial in a good sound. It's very clean and precise sounding.

Where the plugin gets really cool however is with the LFO. Modulating the filter's cutoff, you get a variety of LFO shapes to choose from, with options for free-running, triggered, or tempo synched to host - you can really get some cool sounds! This LFO unit makes this sound more like a 'filter plus phaser' sometimes and is loads of fun to play with.

Finally, an onboard distortion unit gives you some final noise-shaping options to round out an already beefy plugin. Every filter lover and sound mangler should download and play with this thing right now, and this goes double for anyone who is dubious about SynthEdit stuff (like far too many of you are)! You will be impressed...this one has a permanant spot in my filter folder along with some much more expensive models.

I actually got this along with the Topaz bundle of effects, which I'm going to shamelessly pimp for a moment here. If you like this plug you should check it out - you get 21 incredible effects plugins (others also featuring KlangLabs GUI's in a similar style to LFO Filter), all very musical and useful, for $25. By far the best VFM in the world of VST effects that I have come across so far, I really recommend it to anyone who is interested...I find these FX extremely useful.

Anyway, as far as filters go, I think that you'll agree that this one has a unique sound and style, and is easy and fun to work with....so what are you waiting for? Great sounding filter plugins with lovely GUI's that are also FREE don't come around every day, so grab this baby right now and have some fun.

About the ratings....it has no presets, no manual persay but it's self-explnatory....about support, Topaz is really easy to contact via KVR forum, email or IRC, and he'll help you out if you have any problems....stability: never had a problem, as mentioned sound is great, on a plug like this how can VFM NOT be 10? :)
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