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Logic Pro

Sequencer / Multitrack by Apple

Logic Pro has an average user rating of 4.50 from 8 reviews

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User Reviews by KVR Members for Logic Pro

Logic Pro

Reviewed By RoomofWires [all]
December 31st, 2013
Version reviewed: 10.0.5 on Mac

It's an everyday necessity. X looks smart but needs binging up to date along side the competition.

Takes a while to get your head around it but great mixing, great instruments and effects, and rock solid.

I've been a fan for a long time now and still discover new ways of working with it and Rewire is well integrated. Highly recommended and competitively priced.

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Comments & Discussion for Apple Logic Pro

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10 March 2012 at 6:55am

Nobody has anything to say about Apple Logic Pro? I'm incredulous. For $199.99, there's a LOT of stuff here. You have a pro-level DAW, with a full suite of effects including a convolution reverb, custom amps and roll-your-own guitar pedals. You get a sampler with gigabytes of content (EXS-24). You get a very nice jack-of-all-trades synth, ES-2. You get a physically modelled synth, electric piano and clav. There's a drum machine (Ultrabeat), and more loops than you'll want to sort through. There are only two things that I don't like about Logic. (1) It doesn't import General MIDI files well. (2) You don't have all the fun freeware VST instruments that are available for Windows.

7 March 2016 at 4:55am

There are various VST-in-an-AU Audio Units.


They all cost about $100 or so.

20 May 2012 at 4:37pm

Conslaw, I agree with your 2 complaints about Logic. However, I have found some good workarounds:

1. I use energyXT on a PC to get samples, loops, etc. from certain PC VSTs, then convert those audio files into things Logic can use (EXS24, Apple Loops, etc.).

2. ReWire seems to be a good option for running Logic along with other DAWs at the same time.

Tim Waters

9 August 2012 at 4:59am

Love Logic, have used it since v6 after moving from Nuendo when that studio closed.

I also recommend Reason to be used alongside Logic. Low on CPU usage and great sound design possibilities.

16 July 2013 at 4:41pm

The download queue's will probably be pretty slow for a few days. I remember upgrading Mainstage to v.2 was multi-gigabyte, counting the 'Additional Software" - which was well worth it! Does anyone know if Logic X requires OS 10.8.4 minimum, like Apple says (the new) Mainstage 3 does? I'm a big fan of Mainstage 2.2. But I'm still running 10.6.8 OS X because of compatibility with other apps I use occasionally. I just upgraded MOTU's Flagship DAW, Digital Performer, which gives you great control, less instruments for sure though.. . and now works on PC's too, to v. 8. So I need Logic even less. DP has had pitch correction for a long time, and it works great. Not automatically like Auto-Tune. You draw it in. There are plenty of ways to make music these days. Is one best? Maybe...but it depends on which feature set you use most, and what you've already built your workflow and rig around. Different for everyone. Enjoy.

8 August 2014 at 2:33pm

Just a quick question. Is it possible to develop your own MIDI FXs to Logic Pro X, such as an arpeggiator that can export MIDI to the track?

8 August 2014 at 6:44pm

Yes by scripting, but someone has already done it so why "invent the wheel a second time"? It is an AU MIDI plugin called "MIDI FX Freeze" from the company Audio CR. http://www.audiocr.com/index.php

You just slap it on the MIDI signal path where you want to record MIDI and then you run the piece and drag the captured MIDI onto a new MIDI arrange track. I'm finding it super easy and it actually stopped me wishing for that function in Logic.

8 August 2014 at 2:59pm

I'd like to add to my last post about Mainstage 2 vs. Mainstage 3. I have heard that, while in Mainstage 2 you can hold keys down making a sound, then switch the Patch to a different sound, and the sound of the previous Patch keeps sounding, in Mainstage 3, this very useful feature doesn't work. Is that true? Thanks.

21 February 2015 at 5:07pm

best daw for $ 200.

30 August 2015 at 3:28pm

0 of 10 from me because it's not available on Win. :-P.

31 August 2015 at 4:07am

Actually, the problem is your PC hardware. If you had a Mac, you could run Windows on it, and you could also run Logic Pro in OS X. I'm not saying anything negative about Windows, so this isn't about that. It's simply a question of what hardware gives you the option to run both Windows and Mac software. So far, the Mac is it.

31 August 2015 at 6:44pm

The problem is not the PC Hardware since you can hackintosh it this is obvious. The problem is Apple they don't want that people run OS X on a windows PC. You don't seem to get that many people running OS X on PC hardware by installing OS X (as hackintosh). So there you goes your theory about the hardware.

1 September 2015 at 6:12am

Let me see if I've got this straight. Your first post whined because you couldn't run Logic on Windows, and then you claim it's not a problem after all because you can hack OS X. So which is it?

It didn't occur to me that I was dealing with someone who would openly admit to violating the user agreement and hack (steal) OS X. I stand corrected. Thanks for making that clear to everyone.

30 August 2015 at 11:39pm

0 of 10 for Windows, because it can't run Logic Pro X.

31 August 2015 at 6:44pm

Yeah it can't run Logic because Apple don't want it. Smart reply..


Role Router
Role Router
5 September 2015 at 7:10pm

I've tried to use Logic 5.5.3 for years, but it has not showed the functionality it presents as the Original, about those times I was not able to buy those kind of software. So it only has caused errors to my expectations, but the possibilities was so big and the future was so possible. But I lost all the challenge when eMagic got out of the line from PC to be only available in Mac. Macintosh seems to be a great promise to the great response it have in Hardware, but PC still are the Joy for Windows, and I am believing in a better future since them for what I have lost many times before and today just the faith.

I'm not believing anymore that will be available for PC again, and I'm not inquired to Install OS X emulated for PC. But they say that is a great Idea! I see that as a dangerous way only, who knows about a MAC Laptop/desktop in the future for the additional, but that is the way. Maybe the future will can bring OS X to PC also, but in that is another cause which costs for the Ideas I have as own.

5 September 2015 at 7:59pm

That's the best post I've read on KVR in a long time.

7 March 2016 at 5:01am

It's very clearly been google translated.

4 December 2023 at 7:34am

I use Logic since the 90's Atari time. since the manager became Apple the evolution is incredible, but through the years, I also noticed less and less attention from Apple about the health of the composers/customers... The last update of the OS is a giant mess (my Logic is quite sick now). Between the updates of the OS and updates of Logic each year my time to fix the backhand, bug, instabilities, plugins troubles growing up. Also the difficulty to secure a session through the years is more and more difficult and short viability. Yes Logic is not so expensive but please remind the money we spend to follow with the Apple computers and devices. I know that's not only the responsibility of Apple, there is also the delay between updates and third parties dev' and updates BUT, because Logic is at the highest point of the pyramid it's its responsibility to make all this universe working, efficient and secure.
Don't forget too the actual sade state of the music market too. Less and less money in the musician's pockets. I think a brainstorming in the Apple office about its philosophy could be welcome for the future of everybody.

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